Photosynthetica, 2013 (vol. 51), issue 2
Photosynthetica 2013, 51(2):191-201 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-013-0023-4
Chlorophyll a fluorescence as a tool for a study of the Potato virus Y effects on photosynthesis of nontransgenic and transgenic Pssu-ipt tobacco
- 1 Institute of Experimental Botany, Academy of Sciences of the CR, Praha 6, Czech Republic
- 2 Department of Experimental Biology of Plants, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Praha 2, Czech Republic
- 3 Department SBG, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular and Physical Plant Physiology, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
The effect of Potato virus Y NTN (PVY) infection upon photosynthesis was analysed in transgenic Pssu-ipt tobacco overproducing endogenous cytokinins in comparison with control, nontransgenic Nicotiana tabacum plants. The course of the infection from the early to the late stage was monitored by measuring of photosynthetic gas exchange and fast chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence induction kinetics. Leaf photosynthesis was also analysed using Chl fluorescence imaging (Chl-FI). From the different fluorescence parameters obtained using Chl-FI, the nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) proved to be the most useful parameter to assess the effect of PVY infection. On the other hand, Chl-FI was found to be inapplicable for any presymptomatic detection of PVY infection in tobacco. The lower accumulation of the virus was found in transgenic plants and corresponded also with the presence of visible symptoms of PVY infection. The net photosynthetic rate (P N), transpiration rate (E), and stomatal conductance (g s) significantly decreased with the progress of the infection in both control plant types and transgenic rooted plants, while transgenic grafts were much less affected. The analysis of the Chl fluorescence transient revealed higher number of silent dissipative reaction centres, higher nonphotochemical dissipation, and significantly lower performance index, PI(abs), in the healthy transgenic grafts. Chl-FI also confirmed significantly higher NPQ in transgenic grafts.
Keywords: chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging; cytokinins; gas-exchange parameters; ipt; photosynthesis; Potato virus Y; transgenic tobacco
Received: December 12, 2012; Accepted: February 5, 2013; Published: June 1, 2013Show citation
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