Czech Health system in View of Public

As a part of June survey realized by CVVM there were the questions about health system.

In the concrete, the poll concentrated on selected aspects of the medical care, for example, how the respondents rate the physicians, when serving medical information, or if the patients have the possibility to decide on their treatment. Press release also includes comparison of actual findings with results from previous surveys.

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Public about health system

In December 2007 CVVM investigated opinions of Czech public on situation in health department. We were interested not only in satisfaction of citizens with health system and quality of medical care, but also we probed attitudes to some concrete aspects of health service. Most problematic is according to Czechs funding of public health (80 %). On the other hand least citizens find problems concerning relationships between doctors and patients (27 %).

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Czech Republic, Slovakia & Hungary: Do We Check the Information on Food Products When Shopping?

In three surveys held in September and October 2007 respondents from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary were asked if they do check the expiration period and the ingredients of food products when shopping.


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Czech Health system in View of Public

In December 2006 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR focused also on topic Health System and Health Care in the Czech Republic. Approximately a third of Czech citizens(32 %) expressed their satisfaction with Health System in the Czech Republic, only a little less people said that they are not satisfied with it (29 %). More than a half of respondents (51 %) think that quality of Health Care has not changed very much last year.

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Health care system reform : Public opinion on problems of Health system

Two thirds of respondents are dissatisfied with current state of czech health service.Financing of czech health service, drug management,running of insurance companies are supposed to be the main problems of czech health service. People perceive the problems in different areas of health service according to their own standart of living. More than four fifths of respondents highlighted need for reform of health care system.

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Health Service

In December survey realized by Centre for Public Opinion Research czech citizens were shown a list of questions focused on health and health service. Results show us that most of czech public consider their health state is rather or very good.

The half of respondents think that quality of health service did not change last year. A third of them says that health service has rather or much worsened.

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Citizens of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic about bird flu threat

As a part of November survey there were few questions related to topical problems of bird flu. Due to international cooperation with CEORG foundation we have got comparative results from Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The citizens of Slovakia are the most worried about the bird flu. A bird flu is considered to be a serious threat by 20 % of Poles and Hungarian, but almost by two fifth of Czech and Slovak citizens.

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Spending of free-time

In December CVVM was interested in a part of its survey, how people spend their free-time. Every respondent could say three ways, how he or she spends free-time. So total number of all answers was 300%. Respondents mostly watch TV in their free-time. Various sport activities were placed on a second of top three. Reading of books was placed on a third place.

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Public opinions of health care system in Czech Repulic, Slowakia, Poland And in Hungary

More than a third czech citizens are satisfied with the health care system of their country, same part of respondents stated they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

More than a quarter of czech citizens expressed their dissatisfaction with health care system in Czech Republic. 6 % of respondents consider it to be very dissatisfactory. A part of this survey run under international company CEORG, so there are results of similar surveys from Poland, Slowakia and Hungary.

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What Do We Do in Our Free Time?

In their free time, once or more a week, 70 % of people read magazines, 49 % listen to musical recordings, 47 % are involved in a hobby, 45 % meet friends, acquaintances or neighbours, 43 % read books, 34 % are engaged in sporting activities or exercise, 27 % attempt to increase their language or professional skills, 23 % set out on trips to the countryside, 21 % visit wine bars, cafes or restaurants.

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