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Workshop on the Monte Carlo simulation of neutron scattering instruments (MCNSI7)

ECNS 2011 Prague, 23-24 July 2011
Satellite meeting of the 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS 2011), follows the "ESS Science and Scientists" meeting.


Monte Carlo simulation of neutron scattering instruments has become a well established technique, which helps significantly in the process of designing instruments, verifying new experimental methods, data analysis and training. Development of the related simulation software has been stimulated by ambitious instrument modernisation projects undertaken by large neutron facilities in the last two decades. It is likely to accelerate in the next future both due to the significant progress in neutron-optical technologies and newly launched instrumentation projects. Close interaction between instrument scientists and software developers (who do not always meet in one person) is essential mainly in the design phase, which permits newly built experimental facilities to fully exploit the possibilities of state-of-the-art neutron optics and neutron sources.

This workshop is organized by the Nuclear Physics Institute (NPI) in Řež in collaboration with McStas, VITESS and RESTRAX developers with the aim to provide a platform for such sharing of ideas between simulation software developers and instrument scientists. Its program is intended as complementary to the ECNS 2011 by giving larger opportunity to present and discuss works under development as well as new untested ideas in neutron instrumentation rather than finished works ready for publication. Contributions from colleagues looking for support in validation of novel neutron-optical devices and new concepts in instrumentation by Monte Carlo simulations are particularly welcome.


Please, register here before 17 June 2011, if you want to attend the MCNSI7 meeting.

  • No fee for ECNS participants.

  • Limited number of participants (~60) and contributions (~30).

  • Travel support for participants involved in the NMI3 Monte Carlo Network is possible. For more information, please contact


Both oral and poster presentations are expected. If you plan to have a contribution, please send us tentative title via the registration or registration update form. The deadline for abstract submissison is on 24 June 2011. The abstracts (approx. 1/2 page A4) should be sent by e-mail to  , indicating whether you suggest an oral or poster contribution.

We aim to have proceedings in Journal of Neutron Research, the deadline for paper submission is expected in August. More information will be available here later.

Oral and poster contributions

There is a limited time space for oral contributions, but poster boards for standard A0 format posters will also be available. Please note that you have to send an abstract (see above) if you intend to present a contribution. Decision on the oral vs. poster presentations will be made by the end of June. No special poster session is planned, but we try to allow for enough time for discussions at the posters during coffee breaks.

Suggested topics

(the list is neither final nor exclusive)

  • Newly developed and expected capabilities of MC software
  • Novel neutron-optical devices and instrument concepts
  • Focusing neutron optics for extreme sample environment
  • Precise Bragg optics using perfect bent crystals
  • Acceptance-diagram (AD) calculations for complex neutron optics (complicated guide shapes, crystal monochromators etc.)
  • Instrument optimisation methods and their incorporation into MC simulation and AD software
  • Simulation of instrument models for continuous and pulsed sources, including ESS.


Please note that we had to relocate the workshop from the originally announced place to

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3

room capacity ~ 80

Tentative program

The Monte Carlo meeting will follow the "ESS Science and Scientists" hold in the Prague centre. As many participants are expected to attend both events, the start of the MCNSI7 workshop might be postponed by approx. 30 min. to allow for transport between the two places.

The program is preliminary, it will be updated after registrations

Saturday, July 23
14:15 Welcome
14:15 15:45 Talks by SW developers - news in SW packages
15:45 16:15 Coffee
16:15 18:30 10-30 min. talks by SW users and instrument developers
Sunday, July 24
09:00 11:00 10-30 min. talks by SW users and instrument developers
11:00 11:30 Coffee
11:30 12:00 Closing discussion
