Workshop on the Monte Carlo simulation of neutron scattering instruments (MCNSI7)

ECNS 2011 Prague, 23-24 July 2011
Satellite meeting of the 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS 2011).

2nd announcement

Get the PDF copy, where you can also find abstracts as they were provided by the authors.

The 1st anouncement is available here.


The workshop program begins on Saturday at 14:15, so that participants of the preceding ESS&S meeting have sufficient time to join us at the workshop venue, and continues on Sunday morning. It starts with overviews of recent MC simulation software developments, followed by talks on instrumentation and simulation techniques. Average time provided for each talk is 20-25 min. including discussion. In addition, long coffee breaks are planned each day with the intention to provide sufficient time for poster presentations and further discussions.


Travel information

Enlarged map

The workshop takes place at the Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 5, in the lecture room F2 (1st floor).

From the Clarion Congress Center (ECNS venue)

Use metro line B from "Vysocanska" (station at the hotel) to Florenc. Change for metro line C and exit at the station "I.P. Pavlova". Cross to the opposite side of the I.P. Pavlova square and follow the streets "Na Bojisti" and "Ke Karlovu" (see the attached map).

From Karolinum (ESS&S venue)

Walk to the metro line A Mustek through the streets "Zelezna", "Rytirska", "Na mustku" (see the map), take one stop to "Muzeum" and change for metro line C, one stop to the station "I.P. Pavlova" and further follow the walk route described above. There should be a person to guide you from Karolinum to the workshop place on Saturday (expected departure at 13:40).

In both cases, you need a single short-term ticket (24 CZK), which permits for all kinds of transfer within the 30 min. of ticket validity. For more information, you may visit the DPP web pages

For authors

A computer (Windows) and data projector will be available for oral contributions. The time is limited to 20-25 min. per contribution, including discussion. If possible, please prepare your talks in PowerPoint (ppt), OpenOffice (odp) or PDF formats  and provide a copy well before your talk so that we can avoid time losses due to laptops reconnection etc.   

Poster boards will be available for the standard A0 portrait format. They can be hanged on throughout the duration of the workshop till Sunday noon. There are currently 4 poster presentation registered, but you are encouraged to bring also your posters from ECNS to enlarge the basis for discussions. Please let us know if you intend to do so, so that we can ensure sufficent space for your posters.


Proceedings from the workshop will be published in the Journal of Neutron Research. The deadline for manuscript submission is on the 1st of September. The paper length limit is 8 printed pages. You may refer to the journal documents for authors concerning manuscript style. Details of submission procedure will be available at this site later.

