Photosynthetica, 2019 (vol. 57), issue 4

Photosynthetica 2019, 57(4):1176-1183 | DOI: 10.32615/ps.2019.129

Chlorophyll biosynthesis and epidermal characteristics of the leaves of a variegated variety vs. all-green variety of Chlorophytum capense

1 College of Life Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, 625014 Ya'an, China
2 College of Resources, Sichuan Agricultural University, 611130 Chengdu, China
3 Horticulture Research Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 610066 Chengdu, China

Chlorophytum capense var. medio-pictum is widely used as a houseplant with its central yellowish white stripe in green leaves. This study investigated chlorophyll biosynthesis, and epidermal characteristics in leaf stripes of different color. The results showed that yellowish white leaf stripes (YS) have a lower 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) content than that of green stripes. Meanwhile, YS had higher coproporphyrinogen III (Coprogen III) and Mg-protoporphyrin monomethyl ester (Mpe) contents, but the lower content of protoporphyrinogen IX (Proto IX) and protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) compared to green stripes, suggesting that the occurrence of yellowish white stripes may be attributed to the blocked ALA synthesis and the inhibited conversions from Coprogen III to Proto IX and Mpe to Pchlide. In addition, the upper and lower epidermal cells in YS were larger than those in green stripes. The chloroplasts developed normally in the guard cells of the YS epidermis, though almost no chloroplasts were detected in YS mesophyll cells.

Keywords: chlorophyll metabolic intermediates; epidermal micro-morphological characteristics; stomatal characteristics; variegated spider plant.

Received: March 14, 2019; Accepted: September 16, 2019; Prepublished online: October 31, 2019; Published: November 1, 2019Show citation

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ZHAO, Y.Q., DONG, L.H., HUANG, B., DING, C.B., CHEN, Y.E., ZHANG, Z.W., ... YUAN, M. (2019). Chlorophyll biosynthesis and epidermal characteristics of the leaves of a variegated variety vs. all-green variety of Chlorophytum capense. Photosynthetica57(4), 1176-1183. doi: 10.32615/ps.2019.129.
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