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The library of the Institute of Computer Science is registered at the Ministry of Culture as a basic library with a specialized collection.
ATTENTION: The Library of ICS is CLOSED for PUBLIC, since 13. 3. 2020 until revocation. This is based on the decision of Czech Government because of spread of the Coronavirus. You can contact us via e-mail: knihovna@cs.cas.cz. Thank you very much for your understanding.
We will inform you about sources and services that you can use via remote access.
7.4.2020: Springer Nature has made freely available more than 500 electronic textbooks in English and German, covering all fields of science. Access is available until 31 June 2020. For accessing Springer Nature from home, use remote access with your Verso login and password.
3.4.2020: Free access to book chapters, journal articles and other research resources related to COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Cambridge, Clarivate, EBSCO: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Healthcare Resource Center, EBSCO: COVID-19 Updates and Information, EBSCO: DynaMed COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus), Elsevier, Emerald, IOP Publishing, OVID, Oxford Academic, ProQuest, Royal Society Publishing, SAGE, SIAM, Science Journal, Springer Nature, Taylor and Francis, Wiley.
1.4.2020: The Moravian Library has launched the portal #KnihovnyPROTIviru, which aims to provide easier access for searching electronic resources available remotely. The site offers an overview of literature for adults, students, parents and children who do not have access to classic books at this time. It offers for example: professional literature for work, for leisure reading, e-resources for study or writing theses, school compulsory reading.
Springer Nature has made freely available the most relevant and recently published articles on coronavirus research at: https://www.springernature.com/gp
27. 3. 2020: The Cambridge Publishers made publicly available their textbooks collection a other e-books collections: Cambridge Companions, Histories and Elements. If you want to use them via remote access, first you have to log in to the Cambridge Core - use your Verso login and password - and then go to the book collection. The e-books are accessible until 31. 5. 2020.
Good news for all registered users of the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences (instructions for online registration here ): Unlimited access to EBSCO eBooks. Until 30 June 2020, unlimited number of simultaneous access to titles in the EBSCO eBooks collectionis available to all registered users of the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences free of charge.
On the ProQuest Ebook Central platform it is possible to access the collection of e-books for registered users of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Part of the collection is already purchased and is available. Users can download PDF or EPUB, print and copy without restrictions. Books have no limit on the number of concurrent users and are DRM-free. In addition, it is possible for library users to suggest a purchase of any of the 221 000 electronic books (if interested in purchase, write to knihovna@cs.cas.cz).
EBSCO made publicly available information regarding COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) on the platform DynaMed.