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Information regarding the personal data processing and access to the personal data at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., IČ 68378271, Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 21 Praha 8 (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, further "FZU"), is the administrator of the personal data that you provide to us as the subject of these data. We collect and process only such categories of your personal data described below in article 2, which we need in order to meet the purposes described in article 1.
If you have any questions related to the personal data processing you may contact the designated employees via email at gdpr@fzu.cz.

  1. Why do we need the data?
    We collect your personal data in order to fulfil legal obligations in order to perform activities that are in our legitimate interest and for the purposes of performance of contracts. We would like to inform you that for the reasons stated above we process your personal data namely for the purposes of payroll, tax return, accounting and HR agenda, Health and Safety and Fire Safety agenda, organisation of seminars and conferences, keeping records of employee attestations, use of public funds, data transfer and publication according the to the law on support of research, development and innovation from public funds, according to the copyright law and for other reasons according to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (further "GDPR"), but always only in the extent necessary for the specific purpose of processing. FZU rarely collects and processes your personal data based on your consent; in such a case you are informed before such processing about the purpose of processing and it’s extent.

  2. What kind of data do we need?
    For the reasons stated above we need (and we have at our disposal) namely the following categories of personal data
      • Identification and address data - name and surname, title, contact address, telephone number, email address, personal number, account number
      • Descriptive data - work position, level of education, marital status
      • Sensitive data - health status according to the legitimate medical statement
      • Other person’s data - family relatives’ data
      • Other data - for instance photographs.
    According to the GDPR we may complete your personal data with data from public registers, lists, records or from third persons.

  3. How do we work with data?
    Personal data processing is performed manually and with the use of electronic information systems that are subject to physical, technical and procedural control. In order to protect the data we have set up technical, organisational and HR security mechanisms.
    We transfer your personal data only to the recipients defined by law (for instance Health insurance companies, Czech Social Security Administration). We also transfer your personal data to other recipients, especially as defined in contracts, and to various control bodies (for instance, to granting bodies, such as Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Science Foundation, etc.) for the purposes of control.

  4. How long do we keep the data?
    We keep your personal data for such a period as strictly necessary, that is in most cases defined by the Document Management and Destruction Rules of the FZU or that is defined by an internal regulation or a decree according to the GDPR; in the case that your personal data are processed based on your consent, then in such consent is stated the time of their processing or the method of it´s determination.

  5. What are your rights?
    Every person whose data we process has the right to information on the personal data processing and has the right to access such data. If in doubt in relation to the correctness of the data processing one has the right to ask for explanation and for removal of faulty information in particular through rectification or erasure of personal data. Requests may be made at: gdpr@fzu.cz.

  6. Information on the right to revoke the consent with the personal data processing:
    In the case that your personal data are processed in FZU based on your consent with your personal data processing for particular purposes, we inform you that you have the right to revoke such consent at any time by sending an email to: gdpr@fzu.cz, or to the address of the administrator: Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 21 Praha 8.