This project was solved within the framework of the AV21 Strategy in the program: Diversity of Life and Health of Ecosystems (ROZE). Activity Priorities of soil biological research, intersection of science and public interest were solved in cooperation of Biology Center CAS, Institute of Botany CAS, Institute of Sociology CAS, and Institute of Microbiology CAS.
The team of the Institute of Sociology CAS, conducted a questionnaire survey focused on the relationship of the public to soil and mapping opinions on selected phenomena cooecte with soil in the context of the Czech Republic.
Project publications (total 3, displaying 1 - 3)
The contribution shows why it is useful to integrate social sciences researchers into negotiation about location of a deep geological repository of nuclear waste.
The survey is focused on the relation of population to soil and on their opinions on selected issues related to soil in the context of the Czech Republic.
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