ASEP Publications
0443957 - ÚI 2016 RIV TR eng J - Journal Article
Farhadsefat, R. - Rohn, Jiří
Interval Matrix Norms.
Gazi Univertesi Gazi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi. Roč. 4, č. 2 (2015), s. 1-10. ISSN 1300-1876
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: interval matrix * interval norm * norm * absolute norm
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Permanent link:
0444963 - ÚI 2016 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
Kalina, Jan
Statistical Challenges of Big Data Analysis in Medicine.
International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare. Roč. 3, č. 1 (2015), s. 24-27. ISSN 1805-8698
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-23940S
CESNET Development Fund(CZ) 494/2013
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: big data * variable selection * classification * cluster analysis
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Permanent link:
0445154 - ÚI 2016 RIV HU eng J - Journal Article
Porubský, Štefan - Strauch, O.
A common structure of $n_k$'s for which $n_k/alpha/bmod1/to x$.
Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen. Roč. 86, 3-4 (2015), s. 493-502. ISSN 0033-3883
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP201/12/2351
VEGA(SK) 2/0146/14; VEGA(SK) 1/1022/12
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: Weyl theorem * Slater theorem * fractional part * uniform distribution * asymptotic density * limit point
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Impact factor: 0.438, year: 2015
Permanent link:
Citation, Review▾
0456162 - ÚI 2016 RIV SK eng J - Journal Article
Kalina, Jan
Three Contributions to Robust Regression Diagnostics.
Journal of applied mathematics, statistics and informatics. Roč. 11, č. 2 (2015), s. 69-78. ISSN 1336-9180
GA ČR(CZ) GA13-01930S; Nadační fond na podporu vědy(CZ) Neuron
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: robust regression * robust econometrics * hypothesis testing
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Permanent link:
0465740 - ÚI 2017 RIV SK cze J - Journal Article
Řezanková, Hana - Šulc, Z. - Húsek, Dušan
Využití měr variability pro nominální proměnné ve vícerozměrné statistické analýze.
[Use of Variability Measures for Nominal Variables in Multivariate Statistical Analysis.]
Forum Statisticum Slovacum. Roč. 12, č. 1 (2016), s. 34-43. ISSN 1336-7420
IGA VŠE(CZ) F4/41/2016
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: míry variability * nominální proměnné * vícerozměrná analýza * míry závislosti * míry podobnosti * shluková analýza * rozhodovací stromy * hodnocení klasifikace * variability measures * nominal variables * multivariate analysis * dependence measures * similarity measures * cluster analysis * decision trees * classification evaluation
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Řezanková, Hana
Permanent link:
0457040 - ÚI 2016 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
Kalina, Jan - Zvárová, Jana
Clinical Decision Support: Statistical Hopes and Challenges.
International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare. Roč. 4, č. 1 (2016), s. 30-34. ISSN 1805-8698
Nadační fond na opdporu vědy(CZ) Neuron
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: decision support * data mining * multivariate statistics * psychiatry * information based medicine
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Permanent link:
0457577 - MÚ 2016 US eng J - Journal Article
Rákosník, Jiří - Rozložník, Miroslav - Strakoš, Zdeněk
Miroslav Fiedler, 1926–2015.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Roč. 497, 15 May (2016), s. 162-166. ISSN 0024-3795
Keywords: Miroslav Fiedler * linear algebra * geometry
Impact factor: 0.973, year: 2016
Permanent link:
0457761 - ÚI 2016 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
Řezanková, Hana - Húsek, Dušan
Evaluation of Classification Results.
Journal of Knowledge Society. Roč. 3, č. 1 (2015), s. 1-13. ISSN 2336-2561
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: similarity measures * measures of agreement * success rate of classification
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Permanent link:
0471590 - ÚI 2017 RIV IN eng J - Journal Article
Fabián, Zdeněk
On Gnostical Estimates.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics. Roč. 56, č. 2 (2017), s. 125-132. ISSN 0973-1377
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: gnostic theory * statistics * robust estimates
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability
Permanent link:
0471794 - ÚI 2017 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
Rohn, Jiří
Theoretical Characterization of Enclosures.
Reliable Computing. Roč. 21, October (2016), s. 140-145. ISSN 1573-1340
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: interval linear equations * solution set * enclosure * component * characterization
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Permanent link:
0472307 - ÚI 2017 CZ eng J - Journal Article
Segeth, Karel
Petr Hájek passed away.
Neural Network World. Roč. 27, č. 1 (2017), s. 1-2. ISSN 1210-0552
Institutional Support: RVO:67985840
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Impact factor: 0.500, year: 2017
Permanent link:
0458477 - ÚI 2017 CZ eng J - Journal Article
Segeth, Karel
Miroslav Fiedler passed away.
Neural Network World. Roč. 26, č. 1 (2016), s. 1-3. ISSN 1210-0552
Institutional Support: RVO:67985840
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Impact factor: 0.394, year: 2016
Permanent link:
0507515 - ÚI 2021 GB eng J - Journal Article
Šíma, Jiří
Analog Neuron Hierarchy.
Neural Networks. -, Submitted August 2019 (2019). ISSN 0893-6080
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA19-05704S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: recurrent neural network * analog neuron hierarchy * deterministic context-free language * Turing machine * Chomsky hierarchy
Impact factor: 5.785, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0507972 - ÚI 2020 RIV SK cze J - Journal Article
Brabec, Marek - Malý, Marek
Časovo-prostorová statistická analýza finančních dat.
[Spatio-temporal statistical analysis of financial data.]
Forum Statisticum Slovacum. Roč. 15, č. 1 (2019), s. 1-9. ISSN 1336-7420
AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/1
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: finanční data * časoprostorové modelování * GAM * GMRF * hospodaření základních škol
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability
Permanent link:
0497279 - ÚI 2019 RIV HU hun J - Journal Article
Porubský, Štefan
Középkori számolási eljárásokról.
[Medieval arithmetic operations.]
Dimenziók. Roč. 6, č. 1 (2018), s. 57-64. ISSN 2064-2172
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: Matematika történet * Alapműveletek * History of mathematics * Basic arithmetic operation
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Pure mathematics
Permanent link:
0493285 - ÚI 2019 RIV HU eng J - Journal Article
Porubský, Štefan
Semigroup Structure of Sets of Solutions to Equation X^m = X^s.
Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae. Annales. Sectio Computatorica. Roč. 48, č. 1 (2018), s. 151-167. ISSN 0138-9491
GA ČR(CZ) GA17-02804S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: residually finite commutative ring * idempotent * maximal one-idempotent semigroup * maximal group * binomial polynomial
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Pure mathematics
Permanent link:
0504386 - ÚI 2020 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
Kalina, Jan - Soukup, Lubomír
Průkopníci statistiky ve vědách o člověku v 19. století.
[The Pioneers of Statistics in the Science of Man in the 19th Century.]
Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti. Roč. 30, č. 3 (2019), s. 1-15. ISSN 1210-8022
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807 ; RVO:67985556
Keywords: statistical thinking * normal distribution * quantiles * statistical evidence * philosophy of statistics * statistické uvažování * normální rozdělení * kvantily * statistický důkaz * filosofie statistiky
Subject RIV: AB - History; BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability; Statistics and probability (UTIA-B)
Permanent link:
0504387 - ÚI 2021 US eng J - Journal Article
Kalina, Jan
Common Multivariate Estimators of Location and Scatter Capture the Symmetry of the Underlying Distribution.
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. Published online: 21 May (2019). ISSN 0361-0918
GA ČR(CZ) GA17-07384S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: multivariate estimation * symmetry test * robust estimation * scatter estimator * axial symmetry
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability
Impact factor: 0.490, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0505107 - ÚI 2021 NL eng J - Journal Article
Bílková, Marta - Colacito, A.
Proof Theory for Positive Logic with Weak Negation.
Studia Logica. first online 24 July 2019 (2019). ISSN 0039-3215
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA17-04630S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: Minimal propositional logic * Weak negation * Intuitionistic propositional logic * Sequent calculus * Terminating sequent calculus * Decidability * Complexity
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8)
Impact factor: 0.467, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0505123 - ÚI 2020 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
Sedlár, Igor - Punčochář, Vít
From positive PDL to its non-classical extensions.
Logic Journal of the IGPL. Roč. 27, č. 4 (2019), s. 522-542. ISSN 1367-0751
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GJ18-19162Y
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: Lambek calculus * modal logic * paraconsistent logic * positive modal logic * propositional dynamic logic * substructural logic
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Pure mathematics
Impact factor: 0.609, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0505127 - ÚI 2020 RIV BE eng J - Journal Article
Sedlár, Igor - Šebela, K.
Term Negation in First Order logic.
Logique et Analyse. Roč. 62, č. 247 (2019), s. 265-284. ISSN 0024-5836
GRANT EU: European Commission(XE) 689176 - SYSMICS
AV ČR(CZ) JSPS-16-08
Bilaterální spolupráce
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: Aristotle * Contraries * Contraposition * Law of Excluded Middle * Negation * Term negation
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Pure mathematics
Permanent link:
0505757 - ÚI 2020 RIV CH eng J - Journal Article
Hůnová, I. - Brabec, Marek - Malý, Marek
What Are the Principal Factors Affecting Ambient Ozone Concentrations in Czech Mountain Forests?
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. Roč. 2, June 2019 (2019), č. článku 31. E-ISSN 2624-893X
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: ambient ozone * generalized additive model * NOx * meteorology * non-linear effects
Subject RIV: DG - Athmosphere Science, Meteorology
Obor OECD: Meteorology and atmospheric sciences
Permanent link:
0506293 - ÚI 2020 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
Pecen, Ladislav - Jiřina jr., M. - Novák, J.
Diagnostic Software for Decision Support of Detection and Interpretation of Tumor Markers.
International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare. Roč. 3, č. 1 (2015), s. 33-36. ISSN 1805-8698
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: diagnostic software * tumor markers * immunological examination
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability
Permanent link:
0473575 - ÚI 2018 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
Kalina, Jan - Zvárová, Jana
Parametric vs. Nonparametric Regression Modelling within Clinical Decision Support.
International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare. Roč. 5, č. 1 (2017), s. 21-27. ISSN 1805-8698
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA17-01251S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: decision support systems * decision rules * statistical analysis * nonparametric regression
Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability
Permanent link:
0473668 - ÚI 2018 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
Martinková, Patrícia - Drabinová, Adéla - Houdek, Jakub
ShinyItemAnalysis: Analýza přijímacích a jiných znalostních či psychologických testů.
[ShinyItemAnalysis: Analyzing Admission and other Educational and Psychological Tests.]
Testfórum. Roč. 2017, č. 9 (2017), s. 16-35. E-ISSN 1805-9147
R&D Projects: GA ČR GJ15-15856Y
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: analýza testů * položková analýza * teorie odpovědi na položku * odlišné fungování položek * R * shiny
Subject RIV: AM - Education
Obor OECD: Education, general; including training, pedagogy, didactics [and education systems]
Permanent link:
0473744 - ÚI 2018 RIV CZ slo J - Journal Article
Jajcay, Nikola - Paluš, Milan
Štatistické modelovanie javu El Nino - Južná oscilácia v klimatológii.
[Statistical Modelling of El Nino - Southern Oscillation in Climatology.]
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky & astronomie. Roč. 62, č. 1 (2017), s. 52-70. ISSN 0032-2423
R&D Projects: GA MŠk LH14001
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: statistical model * empirical model * modelling * ENSO * stochastic model * cross-scale interactions
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability
Permanent link:
0473776 - ÚI 2018 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
Brabec, Marek - Daniel, M. - Malý, Marek - Danielová, V. - Kříž, B. - Kott, I. - Beneš, Č.
Analysis of Meteorological Effects on the Incidence of Tick-borne Encephalitis in the Czech Republic over a Thirty-year Period.
Virology: Research & Reviews. Roč. 1, č. 1 (2017), č. článku March 13. ISSN 2514-4138
GA MZd(CZ) NT11425
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: tick-borne encephalitis incidence * Ixodes ricinus * ambient temperature * poisson model * generalized additive model * seasonal trends
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability
Malý, Marek
Permanent link:
0474636 - ÚI 2018 RIV RU eng J - Journal Article
Rohn, Jiří
A Sufficient Condition for an Interval Matrix to have Full Column Rank.
Journal of Computational Technologies. Roč. 22, č. 2 (2017), s. 59-66. ISSN 1560-7534
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: interval matrix * full column rank * sufficient condition * double condition
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Applied mathematics
Permanent link:
0476818 - ÚI 2018 RIV RU rus J - Journal Article
Frolov, A. A. - Aziatskaya, G.A. - Bobrov, P.D. - Luykmanov, R. Kh. - Húsek, Dušan - Snášel, V.
Elektrofiziologičeskaja aktivnost mozga pri upravlenii interfejsom mozg kompjuter, osnovannym na voobraženii dviženij.
[Electrophysiological Activity of the Brain During Control of a Motor Imagery Based Brain-Computer Interface.]
Fiziologiya cheloveka. Roč. 43, č. 5 (2017), s. 17-28. ISSN 0131-1646
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: brain-computer interface * electroencephalogram * motor imagery * EEG rhythm synchronization and desynchronization * Independent Component Analysis * neurorehabilitaiton
Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science
Obor OECD: Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8)
Frolov, A. A.
Permanent link:
0477768 - ÚI 2018 NL eng J - Journal Article
Haniková, Zuzana - Godo, L.
Petr Hájek, obituary.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Roč. 327, 15 November (2017), s. 1-4. ISSN 0165-0114
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: obituary * Petr Hájek
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Impact factor: 2.675, year: 2017
Permanent link:
0471353 - ÚI 2017 RIV CH eng J - Journal Article
Peštová, Barbora - Pešta, M.
Change Point Estimation in Panel Data without Boundary Issue.
Risks. Roč. 5, č. 1 (2017), č. článku 7. E-ISSN 2227-9091
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: change point * estimation * consistency * panel data * short panels * boundary issue * structural change * bootstrap * non-life insurance * change in claim amounts
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Pure mathematics
Permanent link:
Citation, Review▾
0501952 - ÚI 2021 GB eng J - Journal Article
Moraschini, Tommaso - Raftery, J.G. - Wannenburg, J. J.
Varieties of de Morgan Monoids: Covers of Atoms.
Review of Symbolic Logic. Online First 26 January 2019 (2019). ISSN 1755-0203
R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) EF17_050/0008361
GRANT EU: European Commission(XE) 689176 - SYSMICS
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: De Morgan monoid * Sugihara monoid * Dunn monoid * residuated lattice * relevance logic
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Pure mathematics
Impact factor: 0.731, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0501986 - ÚI 2021 NL eng J - Journal Article
Sedlár, Igor
Hyperintensional Logics for Everyone.
Synthese. First Online: 12 January 2019 (2019). ISSN 0039-7857
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: Awareness logic * Hyperintensionality * Hyperintensional logic * Hyperintensional modalities * Impossible worlds * Modal logic * Non-Fregean logic * Structured propositions
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Pure mathematics
Impact factor: 1.262, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0510547 - ÚI 2020 CZ cze J - Journal Article
Geletič, Jan - Resler, Jaroslav - Krč, Pavel - Lehnert, Michal
Pocitová teplota ve městě.
Vodní hospodářství. Roč. 2019, č. 10 (2019), s. 33-35. ISSN 1211-0760
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: biometeorologie * PALM-4U * teplotní komfort * klima
Subject RIV: DG - Athmosphere Science, Meteorology
Obor OECD: Meteorology and atmospheric sciences
Geletič, Jan
Permanent link:
0511401 - ÚI 2021 US eng J - Journal Article
Wong, T. Y. - Radua, J. - Pomarol-Clotet, R. - Tomeček, David
An overlapping pattern of cerebral cortical thinning is associated with both positive symptoms and aggression in schizophrenia via the ENIGMA consortium.
Psychological Medicine. Online first: 16 October 2019 (2019). ISSN 0033-2917
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: aggression * cerebral cortical thinning * hostility * impulse control * positive symptoms * prospective meta-analysis * schizophrenia
Subject RIV: FL - Psychiatry, Sexuology
Obor OECD: Psychiatry
Impact factor: 5.641, year: 2018
Wong, T. Y.
Permanent link:
0511742 - ÚI 2020 RIV CH eng J - Journal Article
Oliver, I. - Hlinka, Jaroslav - Kopal, Jakub - Davidsen, J.
Quantifying the Variability in Resting-State Networks.
Entropy. Roč. 21, č. 9 (2019), č. článku 882. ISSN 1099-4300
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA17-01251S
GA ČR(CZ) GA17-04047S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: resting-state networks * network inference * network topology
Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science
Obor OECD: Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8)
Impact factor: 2.419, year: 2018
Davidsen, J.
Permanent link:
0497649 - ÚI 2020 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Honěk, A. - Martinková, Z. - Roy, H. E. - Dixon, A. F. G. - Skuhrovec, J. - Pekár, S. - Brabec, Marek
Differences in the Phenology of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Native Coccinellids in Central Europe.
Environmental Entomology. Roč. 48, č. 1 (2019), s. 80-87. ISSN 0046-225X
GA MZe(CZ) QJ1530373; GA ČR(CZ) GA17-06763S; GA MŠk(CZ) ED1.1.00/02.0073
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: invasive alien species * larva * cereal * herbaceous plant * trees
Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour
Obor OECD: Ecology
Impact factor: 1.450, year: 2018
Skuhrovec, J.
Permanent link:
0497748 - ÚI 2019 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Hartman, David - Hladík, M.
Regularity Radius: Properties, Approximation and a Not A Priori Exponential Algorithm.
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. Roč. 33, December (2018), s. 122-136. ISSN 1537-9582
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: Radius of regularity * Interval matrix * Stability * Not a priori exponential method * P-matrix * Tridiagonal matrix
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Pure mathematics
Impact factor: 0.579, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0498725 - FGÚ 2019 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Chang, W.C. - Kudláček, Jan - Hlinka, Jaroslav - Chvojka, Jan - Hadrava, Michal - Kumpošt, Vojtěch - Powell, A. D. - Janča, R. - Maturana, M. I. - Karoly, P. J. - Freestone, D. R. - Cook, M. J. - Paluš, Milan - Otáhal, Jakub - Jefferys, J. G. R. - Jiruška, Přemysl
Loss of neuronal network resilience precedes seizures and determines the ictogenic nature of interictal synaptic perturbations.
Nature Neuroscience. Roč. 21, č. 12 (2018), s. 1742-1752. ISSN 1097-6256
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-02634S; GA MZd(CZ) NV15-29835A; GA MZd(CZ) NV17-28427A
Institutional Support: RVO:67985823 ; RVO:67985807
Keywords: seizures * dynamics * perturbations * transition to seizure * critical slowing * catastrophic shifts * high-frequency activity * interictal epileptiform discharges
Subject RIV: FH - Neurology
Obor OECD: Neurosciences (including psychophysiology
Impact factor: 21.126, year: 2018
Jiruška, Přemysl
Permanent link:
0518194 - ÚI 2021 GB eng J - Journal Article
Martinková, P. - Hladká, Adéla - Potužníková, E.
Is academic tracking related to gains in learning competence? Using propensity score matching and differential item change functioning analysis for better understanding of tracking implications.
Learning and Instruction. Online 3 December 2019 (2019), č. článku 101286. ISSN 0959-4752
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GBP402/12/G130
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: Academic tracking * Learning competence * Propensity score matching * Differential item functioning in change * Instructional sensitivity
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability
Impact factor: 3.917, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0518382 - ÚI 2021 US eng J - Journal Article
Fabián, Zdeněk
Mean, mode or median? The score mean.
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. Online: 12 December 2019 (2019). ISSN 0361-0926
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: score function of distribution * weight function * estimation * central limit theorem
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Obor OECD: Statistics and probability
Impact factor: 0.424, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0518495 - ÚI 2021 GB eng J - Journal Article
Aranda, A. - Hartman, David
The independence number of HH-homogeneous graphs and a classification of MB-homogeneous graphs.
European Journal of Combinatorics. online 29 November 2019 (2019), č. článku 103063. ISSN 0195-6698
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: homomorphism-homogeneity * morphism-extension classes * HH-homogeneity * MB-homogeneity
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Pure mathematics
Impact factor: 0.911, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0519563 - ÚI 2021 NL eng J - Journal Article
Duintjer Tebbens, Jurjen - Meurant, G.
On the residual norms, the Ritz values and the harmonic Ritz values that can be generated by restarted GMRES.
Numerical Algorithms. -, Online 12 December 2019 (2019). ISSN 1017-1398
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: Restarted GMRES * (harmonic) Ritz values * GMRES stagnation * Prescribed convergence
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Obor OECD: Applied mathematics
Impact factor: 2.417, year: 2018
Permanent link:
0447829 - ÚI 2016 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Holeňa, Martin - Bajer, L. - Ščavnický, M.
Using Copulas in Data Mining Based on the Observational Calculus.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Roč. 27, č. 10 (2015), s. 2851-2864. ISSN 1041-4347
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-17187S
SLU(CZ) SGS/21/2014
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: data mining * observational calculus * generalized quantifiers * joint probability distribution * copulas * hierarchical Archimedean copulas
Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science
Impact factor: 2.476, year: 2015
Permanent link:
Citation, Review▾
0447834 - ÚI 2016 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
Krištofíková, Z. - Říčný, J. - Vyhnálek, M. - Hort, J. - Laczó, J. - Šírová, J. - Klaschka, Jan - Řípová, D.
Levels of 17beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 10 in Cerebrospinal Fluid of People with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Various Types of Dementias.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. Roč. 48, č. 1 (2015), s. 105-114. ISSN 1387-2877
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GBP304/12/G069
GA MŠk(CZ) ED2.1.00/03.0078; Prague Psychiatric Center(CZ) MH CZ–DRO: 00023752
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: 17beta-HSD10 * Alzheimer’s disease * amyloid-beta peptides * biomarker * cerebrospinal fluid
Subject RIV: FH - Neurology
Impact factor: 3.920, year: 2015
Permanent link:
0447865 - ÚI 2016 RIV IT eng J - Journal Article
Řasová, K. - Martinková, Patrícia - Pavlíková, M. - Cattaneo, D. - Jonsdottir, J. - Henze, T. - Baert, I. - Van Asch, P. - Santoyo, C. - Smedal, T. - Beiske, A.G. - Stachowiak, M. - Kovalewski, M. - Nedeljkovic, U. - Bakalidou, D. - Alves-Guerreiro, J. - Nilsagard, Y. - Dimitrova, E.N. - Habek, M. - Armutlu, K. - Donzé, C. - Ross, E. - Ilie, A.M. - Martic, A. - Freeman, J. - Romberg, A. - Feys, P.
Physical Therapy Provision in Multiple Sclerosis Across Europe: A Regional Lottery?
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Roč. 51, č. 6 (2015), s. 850-852. ISSN 1973-9087
GA UK(CZ) 260045/SVV/2014; GA UK(CZ) 260168/SVV/2015; Univerzita Karlova(CZ) Prvouk P34
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: organisation of physical therapy * multiple sclerosis
Subject RIV: FH - Neurology
Impact factor: 2.063, year: 2015
Permanent link:
0447881 - ÚI 2016 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
Procházková, M. - Tintěra, J. - Procházka, A. - Martinková, Patrícia - Řasová, K.
Změny efektivní konektivity po facilitační fyzioterapii u roztroušené sklerózy mozkomíšní.
[Changes of Effective Connectivity after Facilitation Physiotherapy in Multiple Sclerosis.]
Česká a Slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie. Roč. 78/111, č. 4 (2015), s. 423-429. ISSN 1210-7859
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: multiple sclerosis * physiotherapy techniques * functional magnetic resonance imaging * neuroplasticity
Subject RIV: FH - Neurology
Impact factor: 0.209, year: 2015
Permanent link:
0448097 - ÚI 2016 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Franek, Peter - Krčál, M.
Robust Satisfiability of Systems of Equations.
Journal of the ACM. Roč. 62, č. 4 (2015), Article 26. ISSN 0004-5411
R&D Projects: GA ČR GBP202/12/G061
GA MŠk(CZ) LL1201
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807
Keywords: nonlinear equations * satisfability * undecibility * topological extensions * uncertainty * robustness
Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science
Impact factor: 1.803, year: 2015
Permanent link:
0448099 - ÚI 2016 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Hnětynková, Iveta - Plešinger, M.
Complex Wedge-Shaped Matrices: A Generalization of Jacobi Matrices.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Roč. 487, 15 December (2015), s. 203-219. ISSN 0024-3795
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-06684S
Keywords: eigenvalues * eigenvector * wedge-shaped matrices * generalized Jacobi matrices * band (or block) Krylov subspace methods
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Impact factor: 0.965, year: 2015
Permanent link:
0448459 - ÚI 2017 RIV DE eng J - Journal Article
Cintula, Petr - Noguera, Carles
Implicational (Semilinear) Logics II: Additional Connectives and Characterizations of Semilinearity.
Archive for Mathematical Logic. Roč. 55, č. 3 (2016), s. 353-372. ISSN 0933-5846
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-14654S
GRANT EU: European Commission(XE) 247584 - MATOMUVI
Institutional Support: RVO:67985807 ; RVO:67985556
Keywords: abstract algebraic logic * implicational logics * disjunctional logics * semilinear logics * non-classical logics * transfer theorems
Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
Impact factor: 0.394, year: 2016
Noguera, Carles
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