
In the upcoming issues will appear:

  • Petr Jedlička - Against Grand Theories: (A Cautionary) Tale of Two Disciplines
  • Kateřina Lochmanová - Inercialita v kontextu Leibnizovy korespondence S Clarkem
  • Olga Chadaeva - Cosmological, Astronomical and Astrological Elements in Sermons of Seventeenth-Century Ruthenian Authors 
  • Jan Čížek - The ‘Physica Mosaica’ of Johann Heinrich Alsted (1588–1638)
  • Tomáš Nejeschleba - Renaissance Anatomy: The Path from Ars to Scientia with a Focus on Anatomical Works of Johannes Jessenius
  • Martin Žemla - Marsilio Ficino’s Allegorical Use of Optical Phenomena
  • Marek Otisk - Gerbert of Aurillac (Pope Sylvester II) as a Clockmaker
  • Crina Galiță - The Status of the Quadrivium in the Corpus on Logic of the Brethren of Purity (’Iḫwān aṣ-Ṣafā’)
  • Mustafa Yavuz and Pillar Herriaz Oliva - Botany as a New Field of Knowledge in the Thirteenth Century: On the Genesis of the Specialized Sciences

Upcoming Special Issues/Sections

  • Tematická online sekce / Thematic Online Section: "Current health crisis from the perspective of science studies" (call for papers)
  • Tematická sekce / Thematic Section: "Mathematical and Astronomical Practices in the Czech Lands" (call for papers)
  • Tematicické číslo / Thematic Issue - "From Quadrivium to Natural Sciences"