FRANET is the Agency’s multidisciplinary research network. It is composed of contractors in each EU Member State who, upon request, provide relevant data to FRA on fundamental rights issues, to facilitate the Agency’s comparative analyses.
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Found 297 projects (displayed results 41 - 60)
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2018 - 2022
Grant agency:
The project will study parental desires and intentions among LGB individuals from a non-heteronormative standpoint, an under-researched topic in the Czech Republic. A mix of quantitative and qualitative methods will help us explain the factors...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2018 - 2020
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
This project is the first one in Czechia to bring an up-to-date and robust evidence on the key controversial issue of home birth. Attempts to delegalize home birth have recently multiplied and characterize this choice as a threat to the infant’s safety,...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2018 - 2020
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
The economics of poverty has still not been thoroughly researched in the Czech Republic, although it is a highly relevant topic. Similarly, the international comparability of poverty indicators remains rather unexplained in the European context. First,...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2018 - 2020
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Using historical sources and available datasets of sociological and statistical surveys, the project aims to compare the history of stratification research and the development of social structure in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia since...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2018 - 2020
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Projekt OSVČ jako prekérní práce implementuje Vládní strategii rovnosti žen a mužů na léta 2014 -2020. Zaměřuje se na problematiku prekarizace práce žen OSVČ a reaguje tak na riziko zvyšujícího sepočtu žen podnikatelek nedobrovolně. Projekt se zaměřuje...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2020
Grant agency:
Cílem projektu je zvýšit dosud nízkou efektivitu řešení bezdomovectví, která vyplývá mj. z nedostatku znalostí a dostupných praktických nástrojů na straně místních samospráv. Bude vytvořena databáze a metodika hodnocení existujících programů a ve...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2020
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
Gender equality is one of the five priorities of the European Research Area. It is today recognized that actions and policies must focus on legislative and especially institutional levels (cultural and institutional change) rather than seeing gender...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2021
Grant agency:
International project
The National Contact Centre for Gender and Science is a unique initiative in the Central European region and serves as the national contact point for gender equality and gender mainstreaming in European research. It provides specific expertise and...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2020
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
Duration: 2017 - 2020Principal investigator: Mgr. Jindřich Krejčí, PhD.Contracting authority: MŠMT, reg. number CZ.02.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001796Program: Operational Programme Research Development and Education The project implements a...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2020
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
The aim of this project is to examine local responses to global environmental problems (climate change, soil degradation, food quality, etc.) in terms of social movements and lifestyles. The research activity is carried out within the framework of the...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2020
Grant agency:
Projekt podporovaný Evropskou komisí v rámci programu H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks)Tým projektu PLATO tvoří síť předních evropských univerzit a výzkumných organizací a odborníků z oblasti poradenství,...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2020
Grant agency:
International project
The purpose of the project is to contribute to a better understanding of mechanisms, barriers to and potential for introducing new policy instruments for enviromental governance in the Czech Republic, explicating the subjective perception and social...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2019
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Cílem projektu byla digitalizace základních oborových encyklopedií české sociologie a jejich zpřístupnění prostřednictvím internetové Sociologické encyklopedie, která by jednak usnadnila veřejný přístup k těmto dílům, jednak prohloubila lexikografické a...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2018
Grant agency:
internal project
The aim of the project was to involve experts in the public forestry debate and on the basis of scientific knowledge to prepare proposals for the necessary changes to the legislation responding to this new knowledge. The Institute of Sociology (Jana...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
Grant agency:
internal project
Ve většině rozvinutých zemí se v posledních letech změnil poměr mužů a žen ve vyšším vzdělání. Cílem projektu je systematicky studovat vztah mezi změnou podílu mužů a žen ve vzdělávacím systému, sňatkovým trhem a genderovými rolemi v rodině. Projekt se...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2019
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
This project was solved within the framework of the AV21 Strategy in the program: Diversity of Life and Health of Ecosystems (ROZE). Activity Priorities of soil biological research, intersection of science and public interest were solved in cooperation...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
Grant agency:
Projekt chce přispět k odstranění genderových stereotypů, které jsou jednou z příčin platové nerovnosti mezi muži a ženami a znevýhodňují (zejména) ženy na trhu práce. Zaměřuje se na prozkoumání a kritickou analýzu nezamýšlených důsledků...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2018
Grant agency:
Government ministry project
Aim of the project is to develop conceptualisation of transnational families in Czech sociology and apply in research of work–life reconciliation strategies of third country nationals and their families living in the Czech Republic. In the...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2019
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
No.: 17-04465SAbstract: The project aims to contribute to the knowledge on the causes, experience and mechanisms that underpin sub-replacement fertility in the Czech Republic. In particular, childlessness and one-child families will be studied as...
Principal investigator:
Project duration:
2017 - 2019
Grant agency:
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
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