The Czech Sociological Review invites proposals for thematic issues on topics within the scope of a generalist sociological journal.
Applicants are asked to fill out the form (below) and submit it to the journal's email address:
Thematic issue proposals will be evaluated and selected by the Editorial Board of the CSR. Applicants will be notified of a decision no later than 30 June 2016.
The special issue will be published as issue 6, volume 54, in 2018.
Information about the editorial and publication process:
All papers submitted for a special issue will be peer-reviewed in conformity with the CSR´s rigorous peer-review rules.
Once articles are submitted to the CSR, all editorial decisions are made by the Editor-in-Chief of the CSR. Decisions are consulted with guest editors.
All articles that meet the journal´s minimum standards and formal criteria are submitted to a double-blind peer-review process. The reviewers are chosen by the CSR´s Editor-in-Chief with input from the guest editors.
Papers that receive poor reviews will be rejected.
Revised papers that receive less than fully positive reviews (not counting suggestions for minor revisions) will also be rejected.
The contributing authors and guest editors must abide by the formal and ethical rules set out on the journal´s website.