Seminar of the department of logic
The seminar of the department of logic takes place not quite regularly, but usually every third Thursday in the month. All visitors are welcome.
24. 2. 2020 Georg Brun & Hans Rott: The Objects of Logic
18. 1. 2018 Ansten Klev: Husserl's logical grammar
22. 2. 2018 Ivano Ciardelli: Two Switches in the Theory of Counterfactuals
29. 3. 2018 Davide Crippa: Some Early Attempts to Prove the Impossibility of Squaring the Circle
19. 4. 2018 Pavel Arazim: Jak platí logická pravidla
24. 5. 2018 Vít Punčochář: Informační sémantika pro modální logiky
4. 6. 2018 Göran Sundholm: Validity
3. 9. 2018 Doroteya Angelova: Some Non-classical Aspects of Ancient Logic and Their Contemporary Explications
25. 10. 2018 Andrew Tedder: A Multimodal Interpretation of Descartes' Creation Doctrine
29. 11. 2018 Igor Sedlár: Fine-grained modal logics: A simple approach
10. 12. 2018 Huimin Dong: The Epistemic Roles of Ceteris Paribus on Scaling Permission
24. 1. 2019 Vít Punčochář: An algebraic Study of Questions
21. 2. 2019 Ivo Pezlar: Composition of Deductions within the Propositions as Types Paradigm
4. 3. 2019 Hans Rott: Difference-Making Conditionals and the Relevant Ramsey Test
4. 3. 2019 Georg Brun: No Common Core, but a Shared Staring Point. A Reflective-Equilibrium Approach to Contested Concepts
18. 4. 2019 Grace Paterson: Proxies as Extending Agents
13. 5. 2019 Tim Lampert: Theory of Formalisation: An Iconic Alternative
31. 10. 2019 Gary Kemp: In Favour of the Classical Quine on Ontology