Photosynthetica, 2003 (vol. 41), issue 2
Photosynthetica 2003, 41(2):161-165 | DOI: 10.1023/B:PHOT.0000011947.78548.e1
Anti-Oxidative Effect of Elevated CO2 Concentration in the Air on Maize Hybrids Subjected to Severe Chill
- 1 Plant Physiology Department, Agricultural University, Faculty of the Agriculture and Economics, Krakow, Podluzna 3, Poland
Elevated CO2 concentration (700 cm3 m-3, EC) inhibited chill-dependent (7 °C) depression of net photosynthetic rate of two maize hybrids with different sensitivity to low temperature. The rate of superoxide radical formation in leaves, leaf membrane injury, and the decrease in maximal quantum efficiency of photosystem 2 were successfully diminished by the treatment. The protective effect of EC toward stress conditions was prolonged at the recovery phase (20 °C). The genotypic impact on studied parameters was also notable.
Keywords: ascorbate peroxidase; catalase; photoinhibition; photosynthetic induction; membrane injury; superoxide dismutase; Zea mays
Published: June 1, 2003Show citation
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