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Project: Height-dependence of ionospheric drifts in region 90-150 km
Regular ionospheric sounding comprises not only measurements of basic characterics, but with growing importance also monitoring of the dynamics of the ionospheric plasma. Since 2005 Digisonde DPS4 in Průhonice is the only station in world providing a regular E-region drift measurements. We also work on development nof ew sounding techniques with aim to enlarge range of Digisonde using (campaigns in summer 2006, 2007). We plan to develop software for partly automatic drift data processing (especially for a new two-frequency-windows sounding) and process data from realized campaigns. We will perform additional measurements on two frequency windows during Es occurrence. These measurements can show differences in drift velocities values and directions in Es layer and rest of E-region. Detailed analysis of obtained results can contribute to the understanding of the complicated dynamics in the ionospheric E-region and to the explanation of possible processes of the Es layer formation.
Funded by: AV ČR. KJB300420904
Duration: 2009-2011
Investigator: Kouba, D.
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