We have very sad news that our friend, advisor, and distinguished colleague Ludvík Smrčka passed away yesterday. Ludvík made an exceptional mark in the theory of quantum Hall effect and transport in condensed matter. As the head of our Department 15 he initiated the key extension of the molecular-beam-epitaxy laboratory and the construction of the clean room facility with electron-beam lithography. The past fifteen years of research of spintronics in the department would...
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ATTENTION Due to the current hygienic and epidemiologic situation pertaining to the occurrence of the new type of coronavirus and due to active medical prevention, with consent of the administration of the CAS, the building of the Academy of Sciences at Národní 1009/3 is closed both for professional and general public, including the premises of the Library of the CAS, Science and Art gallery, and Gastronomic Services Národní, with effect from 4...
Mezinárodní den žen a dívek ve vědě připadá na 11. února. Valné shromáždění Organizace spojených národů jej vyhlásilo v prosinci 2015. Svátek má připomenout zásadní úlohu žen ve vědeckém světě a podpořit jejich zapojení do výzkumné činnosti. I my jsme si ve FZU vědomi, jak významnou úlohu mají ženy v našich oborech a chceme je proto aktivně podporovat a to na všech stupních kariéry.
As part of the Open Science programme, on November 21 and 22, 2019, a Student Scientific Conference took place presenting results of students’ study stays. In the scientific area about inanimate nature two first places, two second places and two third places have been awarded. FZU visiting students have been successful three times....
Ing. Tomáš Vaněk, a Ph.D. student at the Technical University of Liberec and the Department of Semiconductors of the FZU, has received an award for an outstanding student poster at the International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, which was held together with the 19th US Biennial Workshop on Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy in Keystone, Colorado, USA.
As part of his Ph.D. studies, Tomáš Vaněk focuses on...

Participating at the ICANS 28 conference, Matěj Hývl from the Department of Thin Films and Nanostructures presented a contribution entitled “Nanoscale Study of the Hole-selective Passivating Contacts for High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells Using C-AFM Tomography“ for which he received one of the three awards for the best poster at the conference...
The 5th International Workshop on Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials (TOPO2019)
took place in Průhonice and Prague on June 16–20.
The conference was organized by the Czech Physical Society and by the Department of Dielectrics of FZU with Jiří Hlinka being the conference chair.
The TOPO Workshop series has been established with an ad hoc meeting held in 2015 at the University of New South Wales in Sydney as a...
If you wish to have the best scientific team to be in the front line of global science, you need to start looking for its members at an early stage. Ideally at a secondary school level. This has become clear to ELI Beamlines and HiLASE Laser Centers of the Czech Academy of Sciences which have searched for their future colleagues among secondary school students for the third year now. The Programme of the Talent Academy is unique in that it offers twelve students a three-...
She is a Half Marathon runner and a scientist who explores processes in the quantum vacuum. Hedvika Kadlecová from ELI Beamlines Research Centre in Dolní Břežany has become one of the three winners of the prestigious L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science. The prize has been awarded in the Czech Republic for thirteen years and it is intended to support female talents in science. Hedvika entered the competition after she was encouraged to take part in the contest by her...
Mezinárodní výbor vybral za nejlepší poster na konferenci ICFSMA presentaci Petra Veřtáta o teplotně indukovaných strukturních změnách v martensitu Ni-Mn-Ga-Fe vykazujícím jev magnetické tvarové paměti.
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Institute and media
Česká televize ČT24, 7.4.2020.
Skupina Hany Lísalové z oddělení...
Velké významné infrastruktury, 22.11.2019.
This year marks the...
Uniwersytet Opolski 21.10.2019.
J. Krása (Institute of Physics...
Ferroelectrics, 11.2.2019.
It is with much pleasure that I...