Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2)


A Word of Publisher

M. Čermáková

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 147-148


Longue durée, Cyclicity and Social Transformation

Ilja Šrubař

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 149-160 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2001.37.2.03  

Sociological research

The Problems behind the Creation of a Cross-border Society on the Czech-Germany Border

František Zich

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 161-182 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2001.37.2.05  

Gender Stereotypes and Clichés as Presented in the Media

Jana Valdrová

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 183-206 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2001.37.2.08  

On the Threshold of a New Mentality - Research among Future Czech Symbolic Analysts

Jiří Černý

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 207-224 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2001.37.2.10  

Structural Causes of the Decline in the Number of Marriages and the Increase in the Number of Single Women and Men in the Czech Republic in the 1990s

Tomáš Katrňák

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 225-240 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2001.37.2.13  

Portraits of sociologists

The Theatrical Approach of Erving Goffman

Jiří Šubrt

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 241-250  

Book reviews

Mihailo V. Popovič: Theory and Empiricism. The Sociological Investigation in Social Classes and Strata, New Courses of Change of Social Structure in Yugoslavia

P. Machonin

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 251-252

Jean-Pierre Bardet et Jacques Dupâquier (ed.): Histoire des populations de l'Europe III. Les temps incertains 1914-1998

P. Horská

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 253-254

Peter L. Berger, Thomas Luckmann: The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge

J. Grygar

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 255-257

Jaroslaw Kilias: Nationality As the Scientific Problem (Nation in the Czech Sociology in the Inter-War Period)

M. Petrusek

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 258-260

Pavel Barša: Political Theory of the Multiculturalism

M. Hrubec

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 261-264

Conference reports and information

Information of Activities of Masaryk Czech Sociological Association


Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 265

Jaroslav Krejčí Has Eighty-Five Years


Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 266

Symposium "Structural Changes in Post-Socialist Middle Europe and Actual Challenge of Modernisation"

P. Machonin, L. Gatnar

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 266

Conference "Women in the Academy"

A. Křížková, M. Čermáková, I. Lekešová

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 267-268

Seminar "Deputies, Senators and Admision to European Union"

P. Rakušanová

Sociologický časopis 2001, 37(2): 269