

New book “From Social to Cyber Justice”

Conference Hall in the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Nythamar de Oliveira, Marek Hrubec, Emil Sobottka (eds.), From Social to Cyber Justice: Critical Views on Justice, Law and Ethics. Porto Alegre: PUCRS and Prague: Filosofia, 2018.

The book launch will take place:
— in the Conference Hall in the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, on June 19, 2018 at 3 pm;
— at the PUCRS University in Porto Alegre, Brasil, on Thursday 28, 2018.

The book contains critical analyses of injustice in connection to law and ethics, and develops normative alternatives linked to justice. It covers the relevant issues from social justice to cyber justice. The chapters address issues and concepts which guideline on social innovations, transformations inherent in democratizing processes, global conflicts and other interactions, including the ultimate danger of escalation to war conflicts, be they conventional wars or new cyberwars.


International conference “Africa in a Polycentric World: Cosmopolitanism and the Local”

Conference Hall, Institute of Philosophy at the Czech Academy of Sciences
Jilská 1, Prague 1, 1st floor

Cosmopolitanism is a concept with a variety of political, economic, moral, and cultural aspects and approaches, based on the basic premise that all human beings are, can be or should be citizens in a single community. The conference asks questions that cut across this spectrum of meanings. What is the role of language and culture in the expression of political identity? How is "world citizenship" defined in terms of race, language, gender, or socio-economic status? Is Afropolitanism a cosmopolitanism?

The conference is another series of the "Asixoxe: Conference on African Philosophy" which is organized together by Centre of Global Studies at the Institute of Philosophy CAS in Prague and SOAS, London University.

Programme (PDF)


Kulatý stůl

Kulatý stůl na téma "čínsko-pákistánský ekonomický koridor"

Hlavní budova Akademie věd ČR, 1. patro, sál č. 108
Národní 3, Praha 1
International conference

International Conference “Philosophy and Social Science”

Vila Lanna
V Sadech 1, Prague 6

The conference focuses on mutually interlinked themes of (1) Populism and "the People"; (2) Migrations and Borders; (3) Suffering and Critique; (4) Performing Protest; (5) Truth and Politics. It addresses the themes from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives of philosophy and social science. The conference is attended by more than 100 speakers from Germany, Italy, the UK, Sweden, Czechia, Slovakia, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, and other countries.

Programme (PDF)

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International conference “Could the contradictions between Russia and Europe be overcome?”

Vila Lanna
V Sadech 1, Prague 6

Relations between Russia and Europe over the past centuries up to the present day have undergone considerable turbulent changes. During the 19th century Western countries and Russia encountered intensively, mutual knowledge and understanding, however, was still very low. Only at the beginning of the 20th century things commenced to gradually change in this regard. One of the important scholarly works on this topic was published by T. G. Masaryk ("Russia and Europe"). In consequence of the October Revolution new contradictions emerged. After the USSR had broken up many people believed that relations between the West and Russia would normalized. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. What can bring a desirable change? And could the contradictions between Russia and Europe be overcome? At the conference answers to these complex questions will be sought by scholars from both Russia and Europe.Keynote speakers:

Oxana Gaman-Golutvina, Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Lyudmila Ilicheva, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

The number of attendants is limited. For registration please send us an e-mail until 20/04/2018: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Programme (PDF)
Abstracts (PDF)

Interview with Oxana Gaman-Golutvina (in Czech)
Report from the conference (in Czech)


Lecture “Islamic Law in Modern Muslim states: The Situation in Pakistan”

Academic Conference Centre
Husova 4a, Prague 1

In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islamic law plays an important role in every sphere of life. Why is Islamic law so important in Pakistan? Is Pakistani law based on Islamic law compatible with modern concepts of human rights? How does Pakistan fulfill the obligations set out in modern international instruments? These are some of the issues that will be discussed by Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad, founding director of the UMT School of Law and Policy in Lahore.

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Seminář „Idea československé státnosti“

Hlavní budova Akademie věd ČR, 1. patro, sál č. 108
Národní 3, Praha 1

Seminář „Náboženství, pluralismus a sekularita: Evropa a Brazílie“

Akademické konferenční centrum
Husova 4a, Praha 1

Seminář „Idea globálních dějin filosofie: principy a zkušenosti“

Akademické konferenční centrum AV ČR
Husova 4a, Praha 1

Department of Moral and Political Philosophy and Centre of Global STudies of the Institute of Philosophy CAS invite you to a seminar The Idea of a Global History of Philosophy: Principles and experience, in which will have the talk Prof. Gunnar Skirbekk, Professor Emeritus at the Bergen University.

After the lecture a discussin will follow..


Konference „Udržitelný rozvoj, udržitelné lidství? Rozvojové cíle v éře globálních konfliktů“

Informační centrum OSN v Praze
a Akademické konferenční centrum AV ČR