Jana Bierzová :
Rozdělení domácích prací v rodinách s dětmi [19]
« ročník 7, číslo 1/2006: Gender a životní styl
Bierzová, Jana. 2006. „Rozdělení domácích prací v rodinách s dětmi.“ Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum 7 (1): 19-25
Abstract: The study examines the division of household labour in Czech families with underage children and gender differences in the extent and type of household activities. The paper discusses the different approaches to explaining the division of household labour as well as criticisms of these approaches. The neoclassical economic theory of rational choice, the relative resources theory, the time availability hypotheses, the gender ideology approach and the socialisation theories are presented. The theoretical part is followed by an analysis of data from sociological survey of the families with underage children. This survey confirmed that women’s overall household labour time is far greater than men’s. Men spent an average of 1,83 hours a day on housework, compared to an average of 4,1 hours each day for women. The number of hours spent on housework is mostly dependent on gender and income. Women do the majority of the household task (including preparing meals, washing, ironing, cleaning house and so on), men are mostly responsible for minor repairs.
Keywords: Housework, Gender, Division of labour