New website of the FZU
The Institute of Physics has launched a new version of its website today that represents a fundamental shift away from its previous Internet presentation.
The Institute of Physics has launched a new version of its website today that represents a fundamental shift away from its previous Internet presentation.
One of the first batches of the planned weekly 50 000-piece productions will be delivered to the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, where researchers test samples for the presence of the coronavirus
One of the prerequisites for worker satisfaction is their being able to balance their work and family life at the workplace. An uneasy task for which the Institute of Physics, as an employer, has looked for and found an effective solution.
Cosmic acceleration and Dark energy might not exist. The dispute of professor Subir Sarkar about the significance of the supernovae evidence presented by the 2011 Nobel Prize teams continues
The new observatory will probe the most extreme phenomena and environments to address some of the most compelling questions about our Universe, from the origin of high-energy cosmic rays to searching for dark matter particles
Successful FZU scientific teams which deal with current scientific and technical challenges in the fields of nanoelectronics, photonics, magnetism, functional and bioactive materials and plasma technologies will join forces in this modern centre
The international conference addressed the latest findings related to the behaviour of very small systems of tens and hundreds of nanometers
Mezinárodní konference se koná pravidelně, každý třetí rok. Pětidenní konference se zabývá všemi stránkami fenoménu magnetické tvarové paměti od základních fyzikálních principů až po aplikace.