Mathematical and Astronomical Practices in the Czech Lands - call for contributed papers for the journal Teorie vedy / Theory of Science This thematic issue of the journal Teorie vedy / Theory of Science is devoted to the circulation of mathematical and astronomical practices in the Czech lands between the 17th and the 19th century. This issue aims to study the ways in which scientific knowledge flourished in this context, by taking into account changes in the institutional context and the wider context of mathematical practices. We are particularly interested in how the transmission of mathematical knowledge was made possible, in different historical periods, within the Czech lands and between the Czech lands and other countries. Therefore, any work paying attention to the role of correspondence networks, schools and universities in creating and shaping this knowledge is particularly welcome. Contributions should be around 5000 words, to be submitted in electronic form (doc or pdf) to by 15th April 2020. For further inquiries, please contact: |