New books

Imago Imagines I.-II.

Imago Imagines I.-II.

Autoři zvolili jako východisko koncepce nové syntetické publikace věnované středověkému umění v českých zemích latinské slovo imago (označující nejen dvourozměrný obraz, kresbu apod., ale i výtvory trojrozměrné a případně i díla architektonická). Na rozdíl od dnešního chápání umění byla ve středověku u uměleckého díla považována za klíčový prvek jeho funkce a teprve na ni se vázala stránka estetická. Z toho vychází struktura knihy – po úvodním výkladu pojmu imago se jednotlivé oddíly zabývají funkcemi, které imagines plnily – funkcí náboženskou, didaktickou, memoriální a reprezentativní, a nakonec též funkcí estetickou, s níž jsou spojeny i proměny stylu. Netradičně pojaté dějiny středověkého umění jsou zasazeny do kontextu historického vývoje českých zemí, text provázejí četná vyobrazení. Klára Benešovská - Kateřina Kubínová (edd.)

Teoretické základy památkové péče na prahu 21. století

Teoretické základy památkové péče na prahu 21. století

During the last decade, the noticeably deteriorating position of immovable cultural assets in particular in Czech society, reflected in repeatedly unsuccessful attempts to draft a new “cultural heritage” law, reveals the loss or absence of a general awareness of clearly and convincingly formulated theoretical foundations for the preservation of cultural heritage. Hence, the dismal situation in the Czech Republic led to meetings in 2016 and 2017 at the Czech Technical University in cooperation with the Institute of Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. A number of discussion topics and consolidated papers were heard. Some went beyond the currently crucial issues relating to everyday institutionalized monument care towards reflections on the basic foundations of the modern civilized relationship not only to immovable objects of historical value, but also to the landscape and the environment in general. Seven selected articles by experts representing a number of disciplines in the humanities and natural sciences are contained in the book presented to the public in an attempt to trigger the much needed sensitive yet well-founded societal debate on this urgent issue.

Konfiskované osudy. Umělecké památky z německého majetku získaného československým státem a jejich severočeští majitelé

Konfiskované osudy. Umělecké památky z německého majetku získaného československým státem a jejich severočeští majitelé

The focus of this Czech-German publication is the preservation process as well as the devastation of culturally valuable objects from property affected by post-war, nationalistically motivated property repression, with special emphasis on the situation in northern Bohemia. Given that a mere description of depersonalized official mechanisms would alone not be able to adequately describe what has happened to these objects and why, nineteen case studies following specifically selected items stored in public collections are attached to the general chapters, the property they were originally made up of, and the personalities of their last private owners.

Neoklasicismus mezi technikou a krásou: Pietro Nobile v Čechách

Neoklasicismus mezi technikou a krásou: Pietro Nobile v Čechách

This publication presents for the first time the projects of the architect Pietro Nobile relating to the engagement of this important European neo-classicist in Bohemia. Based on the research conducted on the architect’s estate located in Trieste, Italy and Bellinzona, Switzerland, the author shows the technological, aesthetic, and sociological aspects of the architect’s work. A native of the Swiss canton of Ticino, he established himself at the Viennese court and with work carried out for Prince Klement Lothar Václav Metternich in Johannisberg, Kynžvart, and Vienna. As director of the School of Architecture of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts from 1818 to 1849 and a senior official of the Royal Building Authority in Vienna, he shaped the building design and architectural concept of the entire Austrian monarchy. The commissioners of his buildings for the Czech lands were Emperor Francis I, Chancellor Metternich, and the supreme burgrave Count Karel Chotek. The publication presents to domestic readers for the first time Nobile’s unknown experiment with metal architectural prefabricates launched in Kynžvart in 1832/1833. It also includes an inventory of Nobile’s work in Bohemia and an extensive English summary.

Vinzenz Luksch. Soupis historických a uměleckých památek v politickém okresu Litoměřice, Díl II., Okres Litoměřice

Vinzenz Luksch. Soupis historických a uměleckých památek v politickém okresu Litoměřice, Díl II., Okres Litoměřice

The edited manuscript List of Monuments of the Former Litoměřice Political District was created at the beginning of the 20th century as part of a joint topographic project of the Archaeological Commission of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Society for the Support of German Science, Art and Literature in Bohemia. Its text records in a unique manner the state of the heritage fund at the beginning of the 20th century and gives a detailed description of often significantly altered monuments or even those that no longer exist. The book is written by the Czech-German Catholic priest and historian Vinzenz Luksch. When initially preparing the edition, it had already been decided to make the German text more accessible by translating it and publishing it as a bilingual German-Czech version. The first part, dedicated to the town of Litoměřice, was published at the end of 2015. The second part in three volumes focuses on locations outside the centre of the former district. Jana Chadimová, Martin Barus, Kristina Uhlíková (eds.)

Proměny venkovské architektury s důrazem na vývoj v 19. a 20. století – vybrané stavby

Proměny venkovské architektury s důrazem na vývoj v 19. a 20. století – vybrané stavby

Similar to the previous volume in this series (Changes in rural architecture with an emphasis on development in the 19th and 20th centuries I), this publication is devoted to the historical and architectural development of rural construction. This time, attention is focused on selected structures located throughout the Czech Republic. With these structures, the authors attempt to highlight the current status of rural architecture originating primarily in the 19th and 20th centuries and to uncover its often hidden value. The book once again is an accompaniment to an exhibition with the same title. Texts: Ludmila Hůrková, Pavel Vlček, Tomáš Valeš, Marie Platovská, Markéta Svobodová, Klára Mezihoráková, Jan Uhlík, and Zdeněk Poloprutský

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