• We are

    enhancing our understanding of the genetic basis for human diseases

  • Our mission

    is to create a research infrastructure that provides first-class expertise, tools, and services to reveal gene functions in human diseases

  • We are working to

    identify new therapeutic targets for treating human diseases

  • Our research is

    enhancing the understanding of the genetic bases for human diseases



The genomes of humans, mice and other species have been completely sequenced, yet the knowledge of genome sequences as such does not shed light on questions concerning the functions of these sequences. In order to describe biological functions of a gene, an informative genetic modification are introduced into the genes. Mouse and rat are excellent models in search for gene functions.
Learn more about phenotyping services


The research program is focused onto functional genomics using genetically engineered models and is closely connected to the infrastructure of Czech Centre for Phenogenomics that provides the project indispensable core facilities. The research groups have built up a substantial expertise and have already attained considerable scientific results in the field of functional genomics.
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Model generation services

Genetically modified mouse models have become a key tool in basic and biomedical research. The ability to engineer the mouse genome has greatly transformed biomedical research in the last decade. Crucial for this technology is the ability to control the expression of genes of interest. It is possible to increase or decrease gene expression, or eliminate the expression of a gene completely.
Learn more about model services


The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics organizes seminars, workshops and trainings focused on advanced phenotyping techniques, genome manipulation, microscopy and data analysis. Participants get theoretical and practical knowledge from the expert instructors, have ample opportunity for discussion and can also bring their own data to work on during the bioinformatics session.
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