Biologia plantarum, 1981 (vol. 23), issue 1
Book reviews
I. Šetlík, Jarmila Solárová, Ingrid Tichá, Jana Pospíšilová, T. Gichner
Biologia plantarum 23:72-78, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909214
Original Papers
Changes in biological activity of sodium humate as induced by the mercury discharge tube radiation
V. Tichý
Biologia plantarum 23:1-8, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909203
The study was concerned with the effects of irradiation of the sodium humate on its biological activity, which was assessed by the elongation of the hypocotyl and root in young plants of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Rapid and cv. Smaragd) growing in the solution of the tested preparation. It was found that its stimulative action on hypocotyl and root elongation in lettuce was changed due to irradiation. However, the degree was dependent on concentration; stimulation mostly decreased, only at some higher concentrations did it increase. Further, experiments showed that there was some interaction between the irradiation of the humate and the...
Serological comparisons of seed proteins of some representatives of the genusAllium
Eva Klozová, Věra Turková, Květa Pitterová, Věra Hadačová
Biologia plantarum 23:9, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909204
Results obtained by comparison of similarity of seed protein spectra of 15 species of the genusAllium (in 22 samples) by means of immunochemical methods more or less correspond to the contemporary division of this genus. Species belonging to the sectionCepa (according to Vvedenskiy) andPhyllodolon have very similar spectra, which suggests that they either should be allocated to one sectionCepa or to two subsections (Cepa andPhyllodolon). Species belonging to the subgenusRhizirideum considerably differ in seed proteins. The investigated species of the subgenusMelanocrommyum show the most distinct...
Effects of salt stress on nitrogenase activity and growth of four legumes
A. M. Abdel Wahab, H. H. Zahran
Biologia plantarum 23:16, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909205
The effects of salt stress on nitrogenase (N2-ase) activity, growth and nitrogen content ofVicia faba (L.),Medicago sativa (L.) Merrill,Glycine max andVigna sinensis (L.) were investigated. Four levels of salinity were applied and salt treatments were imposed on inoculated and N-fertilized plants.M. sativa tolerated mild levels of salinity but higher salt concentrations depressed N2-ase activity of this species. The other three legumes were considerably affected by salt treatments, and N2-ase activity was significantly reduced by salinity. Vicia faba, carrying elongate nodules, could...
Beta-amylase Activity in artificially aged soybean seeds
A. S. Rao, D. S. Wagle
Biologia plantarum 23:24, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909206
Four soybean cultivars differing in storage potential were subjected to accelerated aging for different periods (2, 4, 6 and 8 days) and tested for germinability and beta-amylase activity. Aging caused a considerable and continuous increase in enzyme activity in both cotyledons and axes of all the four cultivars.
Comparative study of the influence of BAP and GA3 on the absorption of phosphate byPelargonium zonale leaf discs. Effects of age and temparature
J. Beraud, M. Penot
Biologia plantarum 23:28, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909207
The absorption of32P-phosphate (KH2PO4-0.1 mM) was studied with discs ofPelargonium zonale leaves, in relation to the age of the leaf, to the ageing process and in relation to the influence of GA3 and BAP. The results show that: i) the speed of absorption reaches a maximum which is characteristic of the adult phase (stage); ii) the "ageing" (washing during 24 h) induces a general increase in the absorption velocity which is dependent on the temperature of the ageing medium (optimum at 26 °C). On the other hand, ageing appears to be a process able to increase the physiological differences which are present before...
Promotive effect of abscisic acid in flowering ofChenopodium rubrum as the result of decreasing apical dominance
Veronika Lozhnikova, J. Krekule, Frideta Seidlová, Tamara Bavrina, M. Kh. Chailakhyan
Biologia plantarum 23:36, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909208
Abscisic acid (ABA) was applied in a concentration of 1. 10-3 M and 1. 10-4 M to the quantitative SD plantChenopodium rubrum under various light regimes. ABA did not influence flowering in plants under continuous illumination, enhanced flowering in plants subjected to long days and inhibited it in plants induced by short days. It was concluded that ABA can not substitute for inductive treatment but its action may be additive to initial stages of reproductive morphogenesis (enhanced growth rate and branching of the apical meristem) as evoked by long days.
Growth correlations in shoot apices ofBrassica campestris L. during transition to flowering
R. K. Kohli, Frideta Seidlová
Biologia plantarum 23:41, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909209
Growth correlations in the shoot apical meristem during transition to flowering were studied in a quantitative long day plant,Brassica campestris L. cv. Ceres, requiring only one long day for floral initiation. During photo-inductive exposure of the plants, an overall increase in cell number could be observed at the shoot apex concomitant with promotion of leaf initiation. Release from apical dominance and decline in relative growth rate of leaf primordia are reported as early effects of photo-induction. With the onset of floral differentiation, production of new leaf primordia had stopped altogether. Maximum increase in RNA concentration could...
Cytogenetic effect of radiation products of cytosine: Parabanic and oxaluric acids
K. Pešina, M. Sosna
Biologia plantarum 23:46, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909210
The two final products of radiolytic degradation of cytosinei.e. parabanic and oxaluric acids were investigated as regards their cytogenetic effects. Broad bean (Vicia faba L.) root meristem was used as experimental material. While the oxaluric acid was not able to induce chromosomal aberrations to a greater extent, the parabanic acid acts as a clastogenic compound. When applied on a resting broad bean root meristem at concentration from 10-3 to 10-2 M it induces chromosome and chromatid aberrations, especially breakages. Their frequency reaches 9-12% at the highest tested concentration. The same concentrations of...
The anatomical study of heterotrophic starch formation in leaf segments of maize and pea
J. Kutík, K. Beneš
Biologia plantarum 23:52, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909211
Starch formation was studied by means of plant anatomy in segments of maize and pea leaves, deprived of starch, floating overnight in the dark (1) on solutions of various saccharides, (2) on sucrose solutions containing auxin-type growth regulators and (3) on suorose solutions with antibiotios (proteosynthesis inhibitors). A comparison was made of mesophyll tissues of the two species used, of spongy and palisade parenchyma in pea leaves and-especially-of mesophyll and vascular bundle sheath in the leaves of maize. Although the effects of the given treatments were striking, the response of the particular tissues was considerably uniform. If the given...
Photosynthetic capacity, irradiance and sequential senescence of sugar beet leaves
Danuše Hodáňová
Biologia plantarum 23:58, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909212
In field-grown sugar beet plants (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Dobrovická A), each of66 successive leaves produoed in the course of the vegetation period was different with respect to its photosynthetic capaoity (Pc), life span, duration of leaf area expansion, and longevity after its maximum leaf area (Amax) has developed. The proportionality between the seasonal changes in these characteristics was not the same if the sequential senescence of leaves was taken into account. With aging of individual leaves, Pc increased with the leaf area expansion having attained the peak value between 75% to 100% of Amax...
Brief Communications
Transport of benzyl-8-14C-adenine in pea seedlings in relation to stem apical dominance
S. Procházka
Biologia plantarum 23:68, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909213
In intact, decapitated and decapitated indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) treated pea seedlings the translocation of benzyl-8-l4C-adenin (14C-BA) from the roots was studied with regard to the release of lateral buds from apex-induced inhibition. In intact plants (controls) a substantial part of the activity was found in the apical part of the epicotyl. Decapitation resulted in the initiation of growth of lateral buds. As early as 24 h after decapitation and application of14C-BA a significantly higher activity was found in growing lateral buds (cotylars) of decapitated plants than in inhibited ones of intact or IAA-treated decapitated...
80th birthday of Professor Kurt Mothes
Editorial Board of Biologia Plantarum
Biologia plantarum 23:79, 1981 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02909215