A Generalization of Inquisitive Semantics

Punčochář, V.
Journal of Philosophical Logic 45(4), 2016, 399-428

Logical formalization and the formation of logic(s)

Peregrin, J. & Svoboda, V.
Logique et Analyse 59(233), 2016

Should one be left or right Sellarsian?

Peregrin, J.
Metaphilosophy 47(2), 2016, 251–263

Weak negation in inqusitive semantics

Punčochář, V.
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24(3), 2015, 323-355

Logic reduced to bare (proof-theoretical) bones

Peregrin, J.
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24(2), 2015, 193-209

Simple concepts

Materna, P.:

Inferentialism and Normativity

Peregrin, J.

in M. Beaney (ed.): Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, 1082-1097

Equivalence of Problems

Materna, P.
Axiomathes 23(4), 2013, 617-631

Criteria for logical formalization

Peregrin, J. & Svoboda, V.
Synthese 190(14), 2013, 2897-2924

Some modifications of Carnap's modal logic

Punčochář, V.
Studia Logica 100(3), 2012, 517-543


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