Biologia plantarum 53:401-407, 2009 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-009-0078-z
Synergid: a key link in fertilization of angiosperms
- 1 School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen, P.R. China
- 2 Zhangzhou Medical Vocational College, Zhangzhou, P.R. China
- 3 Xiamen Medical College, Xiamen, P.R. China
In over 80 % of the angiosperms, the female gametophyte is comprised of seven cells, two of which are the synergid cells. These cells are considered pivotal in assuring successful fertilization. The synergid cells direct pollen tube growth toward the female gametophyte, and facilitate the entrance of the tube into the embryo sac. Once the pollen tube enters the synergid cell, its growth is arrested, the tip of the tube breaks, and two sperm cells are released. This sequence of events is also synergid dependent. In addition, separation of the cells of the male germ unit, orientation of the two sperm cells in the degenerating synergid, and fusion of the egg and central cell with sperm cells may also be related to synergid cells. Synergid structure has been widely studied, but development and function of these cells during angiosperm fertilization remains elusive. Recent molecular approaches have provided an enhanced understanding of the role of synergid cells in fertilization. The present review summarizes the results of current studies regarding the role of synergids in angiosperm reproductive function.
Keywords: development; embryo sac; fertilization; synergid function
Subjects: Allium fistulosum; Allium tuberosum; Brugmanisa aurea; embryo sac; fertilization; polen tube; Pseudostellaria heterophylla; synergid
Received: December 22, 2008; Accepted: July 21, 2009; Published: September 1, 2009Show citation
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