
Jan Maršálek

postdoctoral researcher

phone: +420 221 183 371
office: 215a


Jan Maršálek is specialized in epistemology of social sciences, and especially that of sociology. In 2015, he defended his PhD thesis De la disparition d'une méthode. L'Analyse entre philosophies du contrat social et sociologies classiques [On the Method's Disappearance. Analysis between Philosophies of Social Contract and Classical Sociologies]. This work was dedicated to the relation between the classical sociology and classical theories of social contract on the level of their general methodology, and more particularly with regard to the analytical method’s “degradation”. Alongside the henceforth generalized problem of the “degradation” that affects different episthemata (thematized elements of science), Jan Maršálek engages also in mapping the history of the relation between philosophy of science and sociology of science and scientific knowledge.


 Curriculum vitae (January 2020)

 Curriculum vitae (Czech) (January 2020)

 Publications (January 2020)

 Publications (Czech) (January 2020)


Recent publications


Fore more, see the ASEP database of the Czech Academy of Sciences.