Biologia plantarum 62:379-387, 2018 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-018-0785-4

Cadmium tolerant and sensitive wheat lines: their differences in pollutant accumulation, cell damage, and autophagy

J. Y. Yue1, X. J. Wei1, H. Z. Wang1,*
1 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, P.R. China

Cadmium (Cd) is a major abiotic stressor that affects plant growth and reduces the productivity of field crops. Here, we examined the ultrastructural, physiological, and molecular changes in three wheat cultivars [Sumai 3, Jingdong 8 (JD 8), and Nannong 9918 (9918)] in response to different concentrations of Cd (0, 10, 50, and 100 μM) in 1/4 Hoagland nutrient solution. The results showed that JD 8 contained the lowest shoot Cd content and the highest root Cd content among the three cultivars at higher Cd concentrations and so JD 8 was proposed to be a relatively Cd-tolerant cultivar. Next, the stress responses of JD 8 and 9918 were compared. Cadmium reduced root growth and size and number of the leaves, inhibited root hair development, and promoted leaf cell death. The result of trypan blue staining showed that the dead leaf cells induced by Cd stress gradually emerged in the xylem, supporting the hypothesis that cell death could restrict Cd transport. The Cd-induced deterioration of the leaf ultrastructure led to the complete disorganization of the chloroplasts, which had lower amounts of transitory starch and an increased number of osmiophilic granules compared to those in the untreated controls. Autophagy-related genes and autophagy in the leaves were induced by Cd stress. At the same concentration and Cd treatment time, the Cd-tolerant genotype JD 8 exhibited less toxic symptoms compared to the Cd-sensitive genotype 9918. The results of this study provide insights into the ultrastructural and physiological damages induced by Cd stress, which may help in selecting Cd-tolerant wheat cultivars.

Keywords: Cd stress; chloroplast; growth; Triticum aestivum; ultrastructure
Subjects: cadmium; cadmium tolerance; growth; chloropast; cell damage; wheat

Received: September 25, 2015; Revised: August 25, 2017; Accepted: September 6, 2017; Published: June 1, 2018Show citation

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Yue, J.Y., Wei, X.J., & Wang, H.Z. (2018). Cadmium tolerant and sensitive wheat lines: their differences in pollutant accumulation, cell damage, and autophagy. Biologia plantarum62(2), 379-387. doi: 10.1007/s10535-018-0785-4.
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