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Numismatický Sborník journal

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NS 30-2/2016
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NS 30-1/2016
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NS 29-2/2015
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NS 28-2/2014
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NS 28-1/2014
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NS 27-2/2012-2013
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NS 27-1/2012-2013
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NS 26-2/2011
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NS 26-1/2011
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NS 25/2010
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NS 24/2009
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NS 23/2008
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NS 22/2007
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NS 21/2006
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NS 20/2005
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Journal Numismatický sborník is focused on the numismatic research of coins and coins collections minted since the Classical Ages until the Early Modern Times. Main part of the journal is dedicated to the numismatic studies in the area of broader Central Europe. But it also publishes texts on the topic of Islamic numismatics or the history of money from the point of view of the written sources in general. Special attention is dedicated to the publishing of finds of coins, esp. in the Czech republic but also Bohemian coins found elsewhere.

Numismatický sborník has been for a long time perceived as the most prestigious numismatic journal published in Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech republic. During its long existence it went through many changes. It was founded in 1953 when it continued in the footsteps of Numismatický časopis československý published since 1925. There were various institutions publishing Numismatický sborník: Historický ústav (later Ústav československých a světových dějin) ČSAV (issues 1–15 during 1953–1979), later Archeologický ústav ČSAV (16–19 during 1983–1993). Publishing of these issues was carried out by the publishing house of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, later Academia. Complicated situation in Czech numismatics led to a halt of publishing of Numismatický sborník in 1993. It was revived only in 2005 by the Philosophical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, specifically by the Centre for Medieval Studies. Since 2012 there are two issues published annually. The journal is peer-reviewed and offers a platform for the presentation of Czech numismatics.

Journal index for the volumes 16–30 (1983–2016) can be downloaded as PDF (582 kB).

Publisher's information:

Editors-in-chief: Jiří Militký

Editorial Board: J. Lukas, V. Novák, P. Sommer, J. Bodzek

Review Board: M. Budaj, D. Kašparová, Z. Petráň, L. Polanský, E. Šimek, R. Zaoral

Publisher: Institure of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha / Centre for Medieval Studies

Address: Centrum medievistických studií, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech republic

Orders: Kosmas, s.r.o., Lublaňská 3, 1200 Praha 2, tel. +420222510749

Evidentiary Number: MK ČR E 18993

ISSN: 0546-9414

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