Completed project

CSDA Research - Výzkumný program Českého sociálněvědního datového archivu: Česká republika v Mezinárodním programu sociálních šetření ISSP, výzkum kvality dat a zdrojů dat

Project duration: 
2017 - 2020

Duration: 2017 - 2020

Principal investigator: Mgr. Jindřich Krejčí, PhD.

Contracting authority: MŠMT, reg. number CZ.02.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001796

Program: Operational Programme Research Development and Education


The project implements a research programme of the Czech Social Science Data Archive (CSDA). CSDA is a national research infrastructure providing data services for social research and higher education. It acquires, processes and preserves datasets and makes them available for secondary analysis. The archive also contextualizes data and links them with other relevant information. In addition, CSDA serves as the Czech national node of the large-scale pan-European distributed research infrastructure CESSDA. 
The principal activities of the proposed programme are following: (1) implementation of three Czech surveys of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), (2) methodology research on measurement tools, (3) mapping and analysis of data sources. ISSP is a long-term international programme of comparative surveys on important sociological topics. The project will implement three consecutive ISSP surveys in the Czech Republic: ISSP 2017 on Social Networks, ISSP 2018 on Religion, and ISSP 2019 on Social Inequality. At the same time, the team will focus on the study of (a) social networks, (b) religiosity, moral values, moral behaviour, and the role of religion in political attitudes, and (c) social inequalities and poverty. The project will also analyse the validity and equivalence of selected measurement tools in Czech surveys and adapt selected international tools for use in the Czech context. In addition, the project will  identify, describe and conduct the meta-analysis of empirical social science surveys undertaken prior to the mid-1990s.
The project will result in a number of scientific publications addressing important research questions.  At the same time, it will create the prerequisites for the fulfilment of the CSDA’s mission in the following areas: (1) facilitating Czech participation in international research programmes, (2) providing methodological resources and expertise on data sources, and (3) acquiring, archiving and providing access to datasets.

Project publications (total 13, displaying 1 - 10)

Nešpor, Zdeněk R.

The chapter analyzes the unique research on religion, carried out in 1963 by Erika Kadlecová and her team; it was the only credible study of religiosity during the entire period of the communist regime. Kadlecová's work is also analyzed in relation to the ongoing dialogue between Christians and Marxists.

religion and religiosity
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Nešpor, Zdeněk R.

The article is devoted to the problem of war as surveyed in the Czech sociology and to the significance of the experience of the war for the Czech science. Before the WWII, the topic in question was on the margin of main interests of Czech scholars, and the situation did not even improve after the war. When the WWII has begun, many universities were closed, but a lot of sociologists were able to continue their work.

history of sociology
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Sedláčková, Markéta, Šafr, Jiří

This paper investigates the role of civic culture and other political factors in support for democracy in the Czech Republic during the decade following EU accession. The goal is to assess the validity of civic virtue theory and to compare the impact of these factors on affective legitimacy using the ISSP Citizenship modules 2004 and 2014.

trust/social cohesion, legitimacy, civil society, social capital
Local and regional studies
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Anýžová, P.

Focusing on a subject largely neglected in mainstream Czech social stratification research so far, this study seeks to examine to what extent tertiary educational attainment and educational mobility are affected by personal factors, such as personality traits, physical attractiveness, and self-esteem. It is based on data drawn from a large-scale representative survey carried out in the Czech Republic (Neglected Human Capital Dimensions 2015) as the second follow-up to the OECD PIAAC project.

gender, education
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Mysíková, Martina, Želinský, Tomáš, Thesia I. Garner, Večerník, Jiří

Studies into the relation between subjective perceptions of individuals and objective economic conditions have usually resulted in ambiguous empirical findings. Whilst most studies perceive subjective welfare as being operationalized by indicators of happiness or life satisfaction, we narrow the approach to an economic domain of subjective well-being— perceptions of poverty.

standard of living
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Sedláčková, M., J. Šafr

On the basis of the discussion between cultural and institutional theories, and taking into account the specific development in post-communist countries, we study three elements of the democratic system - specifically, social trust, institutional trust, and systemic trust (legitimacy of democracy). Using data from the European Values Study, conducted in 1991, 1999 and 2008, we analyze the roots of institutional trust and systemic trust (i.e.

trust/social cohesion, legitimacy, civil society, politics (and political attitudes)
Czech Social Science Data Archive, Local and regional studies
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Raudenská, Petra

Survey-based measures of subjective well-being are increasingly often analyzed cross-culturally. However, international comparison of these measures requires measurement invariance. Therefore, the major goal of this study is to investigate the cross-country and cross-time comparability of the 4-item positive and 7-item negative affect scales used in European Social Survey Round 3 (2006) and Round 6 (2012).

Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Nešpor, Zdeněk R.

The foundation of research institutes, departments, journals and other academic bodies providing an institutional background was an important part of the re-establishment of Czech (Czechoslovak) sociology in the mid-1960s.

history of sociology
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Raudenská, P., Mysíková, M.

The primary objective of this study was to analyse the development of the effect of the bachelor’s and master’s tertiary degree on both respondents’ wage and socioeconomic status in the Czech labour market ten years after the Bologna Process. For the purposes

wages and incomes, education
Economic Sociology, Social Stratification
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Chorvát, I., J. Šafr (eds.)

Kniha se zabývá trávením volného času a v obecné rovině životním stylem obyvatel Česka a Slovenska. Fenomén volného času zasazuje do širšího kontextu základních vývojových trendů a změn soudobé společnosti. Rovněž uvádí hlavní osy společenského vývoje v obou zemích od rozpadu společného státu.

kultura, consumption, lifestyle
Social Stratification
Type of publication:


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