
Biophysics Team Won Cells 2021 Best Video Abstract Award


A research team of the Laboratory of Biophysics won the Cells 2021 Best Video Abstract Awards contest. The winning video abstract of the Biophysics team is a crisp illustration of the research paper, published in journal Cells. The Award Committee highly evaluated the research novelty, video quality and votes of the readers.

Flow cytometer installed in the Laboratory of Biophysics


Interdisciplinary research of the Laboratory of Biophysics aims to gain insight in the understanding of how physical factors influence the processes that drive cell behaviour and functionality. The Czech Academy of Sciences supported the laboratory by providing funds for the CytoFLEX Beckman Coulter flow cytometer.

Biomedical Journal Club


One of the many aims is to keep abreast of the scientific literature, which has expanded greatly over recent years. The journal club has, therefore, become an integral part of continuous biomedical and biophysical education.