Biologia plantarum 59:726-734, 2015 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-015-0547-5

The possible role of chilling in floral and vegetative bud dormancy release in Pyrus pyrifolia

S. Hussain1, Q. Niu1, F. Yang1, N. Hussain2, Y. Teng1,*
1 Department of Horticulture, The State Agricultural Ministry's Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Growth, Development and Quality Improvement, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R. China
2 Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources of Zhejiang Province, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R. China

The role of chilling in bud dormancy release and biochemical changes in different organs were evaluated in stem cuttings of pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) cv. Cuiguan selected at the leaf fall. The cuttings were exposed to 5 °C for 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700 chilling hours (named positive chill units; PCU). A 50 % bud break was observed in floral and vegetative bud cuttings at 300 and 600 PCU, respectively. A mean time to bud break was inversely proportional to the chilling treatment. The low-temperature stimulated starch hydrolysis accompanied with sucrose accumulation in all organs. Sucrose and sorbitol content increased substantially peaking at 100, 400, and 100 PCU in floral buds, vegetative buds, and bark, respectively, thereafter decreased when buds approached chilling satisfaction (300 and 600 PCU for the floral and vegetative buds, respectively), and then increased again up to 700 PCU. Hexoses (glucose and fructose) accumulated constantly in the buds from 0 to 700 PCU. In bark, glucose and fructose content increased up to 400 PCU, and then gradually decreased. Total amylolytic and α-amylase activities increased in all organs, especially in the floral and vegetative buds up to 100 PCU and then decreased in the floral and vegetative buds before increasing again after endo-dormancy release. Invertase activity remained high in the buds during chilling satisfaction possibly because of translocation of sucrose to the buds which functioned as a strong sink. The results suggest that a low availability of hexoses may be the cause of limited bud breaks due to lack of chilling. Chilling satisfaction of the buds may increase the content of soluble sugars and acid invertase activity, and decrease the starch content, which may correlate with improved bud breaks.

Keywords: amylase; fructose; glucose; invertase; pear; sorbitol; starch; stem cuttings; sucrose
Subjects: chilling; temperature - low; bud dormancy; amylases; fructose; glucose; invertase; sorbitol; starch; sucrose; pear

Received: January 15, 2015; Revised: March 19, 2015; Accepted: March 31, 2015; Published: December 1, 2015Show citation

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Hussain, S., Niu, Q., Yang, F., Hussain, N., & Teng, Y. (2015). The possible role of chilling in floral and vegetative bud dormancy release in Pyrus pyrifolia. Biologia plantarum59(4), 726-734. doi: 10.1007/s10535-015-0547-5.
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