Economy and Ontology: The Mystery of Power in the Philosophy of Giorgio Agamben
Lasha Matiashvilii (Tbilisi State University in Georgia)
Pořádá Oddělení současné kontinentální filosofie FLÚ AV ČR
FLÚ AV ČR, Jilská 1, Praha 1, zasedací místnost CMS
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This paper examines the so-called post-Foucauldian genealogy of power undertaken by Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben. Agamben's basic interest is why and in which ways power assumed the form of economy, which, according to Foucault's genealogical research, means the "government of men". For Foucault, the origin of managerial-administrative power is the paradigm of a pastorate, in which the main objective is to subjugate, control and govern the soul of every human being. For Agamben the time horizon determined by Foucault is not sufficient. Therefore, he tries to develop further the theory of bio-power and bio-politics through the paradigm of economic theology, using a wide range of materials from early medieval period to 20th century theology. Using archeological and genealogical methods, this investigation aims to show the process of a paradigm shift from political theology to economic theology within the context of power relations. Moreover, it tries to verify whether Agamben's assumption is correct, or it is not credible. By analyzing certain concepts such as divine anarchy and co-lateral effect, I intend to pose the question whether Christian economy, as action and administration, is an archetype of modern form of power or not.