Mgr. Jan Rovenský, PhD.


Jan Rovenský focuses on contemporary political philosophy and on political science theory. He devotes himself mainly to developing dialogical political thinking.
He successfully defended his dissertation at Luiss University in Rome.

Address: Centre of Global Studies, Jilska 1, Prague 1, Czech Republic

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Rovenský J.; Kmoníček, H; Mendel, M.; Pelikán, P.; Tureček, B.: Mezi mýty a minarety: Kmoníček, Mendel, Pelikán a Tureček v rozhovorech o islámu a muslimském světě. Praha: Filosofia, 2018. 306 s. ISBN 978-80-7007-523-4.

Rovenský, Jan a kol.: 25 let poté. Klaus, Pithart, Rychetský a Zeman v rozhovorech o společnosti a politice. Praha, Filosofia 2014, 328 s. ISBN 978-80-7007-424-4.

Rovenský, J. a kol, Krize a politické křižovatky. Praha, Filosofia 2012. ISBN 978-80-7007-370-4.