In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Materials Chemistry and Physics 146 (2014) 018-025.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 356 (2014) 87-94.
- Physical Review E 89 (2014) 012505-1-012505-6.
- Journal of Nanoparticle Research 162251 (2014) 162251(1)-162251(14).
- Low Temperature Physics 40 (2014) 123-133.
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 585 (2014) 434-441.
- Acta Crystallographica Section C 70 (2014) 230-235.
- Surface & Coatings Technology 240 (2014) 76-85.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 357 (2014) 61-68.
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (2014) 065503(1)-065503(11).
- Physica C: Superconductivity 496 (2014) 14-17.
- Organic Letters 16 (2014) 138-141.
- Physical Review D 89 (2014) 014012-1-014012-16.
- Physical Review B 89 (2014) 054407(1)-054407(9).
- Physical Review B 89 (2014) 060101(1)-060101(5).
- IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61 (2014) 257-261.
- IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61 (2014) 385-389.
- IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61 (2014) 411-417.
- Applied Physics Letters 104 (2014) 063101(1)-063101(5).
- RSC Advances 4 (2014) 5113-5121.
- Physics of Plasmas 21 (2014) 012708 (1)-012708 (7).
- Optics Express 22 (2014) 2745-2760.
- Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 119-129.
- Optics Express 22 (2014) 4038-4049.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 358-359 (2014) 228-232.
- Applied Surface Science 301 (2014) 173-177.
- Novel Nanocrystalline Diamond Coating of Coronary Stents Reduces Neointimal Hyperplasia in Pig ModelExperimental & Clinical Cardiology 20 (2014) 65-76.
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 593 (2014) 163-168.
- Physical Review B 89 (2014) 064308(1)-064308(9).
- Applied Physics Letters 104 (2014) 083102(1)-083102(4).
- Physical Review B 89 (2014) 054308(1)-054308(5).
- Applied Surface Science 297 (2014) 95-102.
- Stimulated Raman backscattering in plasma - a promising tool for the generation of ultra-high power laser beamsActa Polytechnica, Czech Technical University in Prague 53 (2014) 246-248.
- Liquid Crystals 41 (2014) 176-183.
- Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 23 (2014) 2650-2658.
- Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 23 (2014) 2659-2668.
- Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 23 (2014) 2591-2598.
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 598 (2014) 278-281.
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (2014) 125901(1)-125901(8).
- ZnO thin films prepared by multi SWD plasma jet systemJemná mechanika a optika 59 (2014) 38-42.
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (2014) 136001(1)-136001(11).
- Materials Research Express 1 (2014) 016109(1)-016109(8).
- Superconductor Science and Technology 27 (2014) 05500(1)-05500(8).
- Carbon 72 (2014) 207-214.
- Physics of Metals and Metallography 115 (2014) 257-267.
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5 (2014) 1035-1039.
- A complex study of the fast blue luminescence of oxidized silicon nanocrystals: the role of the coreNanoscale 6 (2014) 3837-3845.
- Physical Review B 89 (2014) 094420(1)-094420(10).
- Applied Surface Science 306 (2014) 89-93.
- Reviews of Modern Physics 86 (2014) 855-896.