Projects archive
The objective of the project is to create a database of innovative textile enterprises interested in participating in the 6th EU Framework Programme.
The project team consists of 9 partners – from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary.
The resulting database will be added to databases of the CORDIS service
- Duration: 1 September 2004 - 28 February 2006 (18 months)
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Holmanová Jana
The aim of the project is to reveal which fields of nanotechnology research in three selected sectors (materials – healthcare and medicine – energetics) are the most likely to be commercially applied in the next 10 years and may thus help build a competitive European industry. The project results will be used by the European Commission as one of the background studies for the preparation of the 7th Framework Programme in the field of nanotechnologies.
8 partners representing the following countries cooperate in the consortium: Italy (coordinator), Spain, Netherlands, Germany, UK, Israel, Czech Republic, Finland and France)
Three nanoroadmaps, Roadmap MATERIALS, Roadmap HEALTH & MEDICAL SYSTEMS a Roadmap ENERGY, represent the project output. Further information on the project can be found on the web site .
- Duration: 1 January 2004 - 31 December 2005 (24 months)
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Kubátová Jitka
Technology Transfer and Initation of Targeted RTD Projects
The objective of the project is to make results of targeted RTD financed from public funds accessible to to a wide scope of interested commercial entities, to search for partners for cooperation between research and industry and to initiate targeted research projects and cooperation between the academic and industrial sector.
Technology Centre AS CR
Project output is published at
The main output so far: publication of the Academy of Sciences for the Economy and Society, website www.casavo.czdevoted to supporting cooperation between basic and applied research – its launch was initiated by research institutes of the Academy of Sciences and research institutes of the Association of Research Organizations.
- Duration: 1 January 2000 - 31 December 2005
- Submitter: Grant Agency of the CR
Barriers to the Growth of Competitiveness of the Czech Republic
The objective of the project is to identify barriers to the growth of competitiveness based on generating, disseminating and exploiting innovation. The main aim of the project is to propose measures eliminating (reducing) detected barriers. The project results will be used for setting conditions for using EU Structural Funds in the period 2007-2013 optimally, and for shaping a more favourable environment boosting innovation in the Czech Republic
Technology Centre AS CR (coordinator)
and Centre for Economic Research AS
CR -
The project output will be described in the Final Report (April 2005).
- Duration: 6 September 2004 - 2 February 2005
- Submitter: Ministry for Regional Development
- Manager: Klusáček Karel
The objective was to boost participation of candidate countries in the IST programme. In each of the 7 participating candidate countries 2-3 multiplicators for the IST programme (advisory centres) had to be selected which would be trained and led by experienced consultants for the IST programme (Italy, France, Greece, Israel, Austria). NCPs (National Contact Points in the individual countries) were supposed to help in the selection process. The aim was that participants set up a network of interlinked consultants who would cooperate especially in preparing consortia for new projects.
13 partners from the following countries participated in the project: Greece, France, Italy, Israel, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Slovenia.
Information on the project output are available at
- Duration: 1 December 2002 - 30 November 2004 (24 months)
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Hillerová Eva
Proposal of the National Research Programme II
The main objective of the project consisted in proposing thematic and cross-cutting priorities for the National Research Programme II (NRP II) which is to be launched in January 2006.
Technology Centre AS CR (coordinator),
Centre for Social and Economic Studies, Charles
University, Prague -
Project results are summarized in the project reports: Proposal of Thematic Priorities for the NRP II and Proposal of Cross-cutting Priorities for the NRP II
- Duration: 1 October 2003 - 30 September 2004
- Submitter: Ministry of Education
- Manager: Klusáček Karel
Bohemian Regional Innovation Strategy (BRIS)
The main task of the project consisted in designing a regional innovation strategy for the region of Prague and the region of Pilsen, respectively, aimed at supporting cooperation between research and business as well as development of innovative undertaking.
Technology Centre AS CR (coordinator) in cooperation with partners from the Czech Republic, Germany, United Kingdom and Netherlands
Proposals of regional innovation strategies for the region of Prague and the region of Pilsen,
respectively, including action plans, an analysis of
the demand for innovation, analysis of innovation infrastructure and economic trends in the Prague and
Pilsen regions. Detailed information on the project is
available at - Duration: 1 January 2001 - 30 September 2004 (33 months)
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Klusáček Karel
Anticipating Content Technology Needs (ACTEN)
The objective of the project was to support cooperation of EU member states and candidate countries in the area of multimedia industry.
11 partners from 10 countries were cooperating in the project: Germany, Netherlands, Finland, Austria, France, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Romania.
The project resulted in the involvement of a number of Czech enterprises in international cooperation in the area of multimedia industry. Further information:
- Duration: 1 September 2002 - 31 August 2004 (24 months)
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Hillerová Eva
Technology and Innovation Foresight for Bulgaria and Romania (ForeTech)
The project aimed at initiating foresight activities in Bulgaria and Romania while using the experience and know-how of the consortium partners from the UK, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
The project consortium consisted of 7 partners from Bulgaria, Romania, United Kingdom, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Greece.
Information on the project website:
- Duration: 1 October 2002 - 31 July 2004 (22 months)
- Submitter: European Commission
Fellows for Industry
The objective of the project was to strengthen cooperation between industry and academia in biomedicine and rehabilitation technologies and to increase the innovation potential of European enterprises especially through research fellowships within the Marie Curie Fellowships Programme
The project team consisted of 12 partners from the following countries: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Island, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, UK
Electronic catalogues of training possibilities in biomedicine and rehabilitation technologies and a catalogue of those interested in research fellowships – which are available at A study “Selected characteristics of the rehabilitation care in the Czech Republic“ and an overview on “Education and research in the field of medicine and rehabilitation in the Czech Republic“ were elaborated.
- Duration: 1 January 2001- 31 December 2002 (24 months)
- Submitter: European Commission
- Manager: Koníčková Naďa