Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS offers a POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW position Ph.D. in physics or chemistry (deadline for application: 25.7.2020)
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW position (deadline for application: July 30, 2020)
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW position (deadline for application: July 30, 2020)
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW position (for scientists currently working outside the Czech Republic): Theoretical development of new catalysts based on transition metal exchanged zeolites.
Postdoctoral positions in the field of single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy
Vědecký pracovník/vědecká pracovnice a postdoktorand/ka v oblasti nanokatalýza
Work-stay of Senior Researcher Abroad: Redox Catalysts for Environmental Processes
Work-stay of Senior Researcher Abroad: Redox Catalysts for Environmental Processes
Postdoctoral position in nanoscience
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW position (deadline for application Feb 15, 2020)
PhD student in Biophysics/Physical Chemistry
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW position in molecular electronics
Postdoktorand/ka v oblasti chemie iontů v plynné fázi
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW - Manipulation of optoelectronic structure of low-dimensional materials
Vědecký pracovník/vědecká pracovnice a postdoktorand/ka v oblasti nanokatalýzy
Vědecký pracovník/vědecká pracovnice a postdoktorand/ka v oblasti fyziky a chemie nanoklastrů
PhD student in Biophysics/Physical Chemistry
A post-doctoral position is open in the field of single molecule fluorescence microscopy.
Postdoctoral position in the Molecular and Cluster dynamics group