Current information about operation of the library

All library services have been restored, but operation is partially limited until further notice. Please follow the conditions for using the study room and other library services below.

  • Opening hours are adjusted until further notice:
    Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
    (including individual study rooms)
  • Users and visitors must wear a face mask.
  • Users must disinfect hands before entering the study room.
  • Wearing gloves when handling books is suggested.
  • Disinfection and gloves are available at the entrances to study rooms and changing rooms, at the loan desk and self-check.
  • Due to the observance of social distance, the number of seats is limited to 73 in the study room and 7 in the computer study room.
  • Rare books can be studied from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Monday to Friday.


More information: