Research Interests of Department of Chemistry of Ions in Gaseous Phase
Dynamics and Kinetics of Ion - Molecule Collisions
The research directions are:
- Experimental and theoretical studies of the dynamics and kinetics of chemical reaction involving singly- and multiply-charged ions; reactive scattering of ions, ion chemistry of planetary atmospheres.
- Kinetic studies of the gas-phase radicals and molecules using variable-time neutralization-reionization mass spectrometry; experimental and theoretical studies of structure and reactivity of nitrocompound cations.
- Experimental studies of ion-molecule reaction kinetics required for absolute selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry, SIFT-MS, for quantitative trace gas analysis.
Organic Mass Spectrometry
The research directions are:
- Interdisciplinary studies using SIFT-MS, GC-MS, ESI and APCI in biology, physiology, electrochemistry,environmental and planetary science. - Application of mass spectrometry to structural studies of organic, bioorganic and organometallic compounds, and of mechanisms of ionization and fragmentation processes.
- Organometallic mass spectrometry.
- Mass spectrometry and nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrometry of explosives.

Department of Chemistry of Ions in Gaseous Phase
Deputy Head