Fišerová Eva

ASEP Publications , Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v. v. i.

Document Type: Journal Article, Impacted Journal Arcticle, Monograph, Monograph Chapter, Proceedings Paper (International conf.), Proceedings Paper (Czech conf.)
Year(s): 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Database: ASEP 

Current data to: 20.04.2020 v 14:04:05

Šyc, Michal, Fišerová, Eva, Karban, Jindřich, Punčochář, Miroslav, Pekárek, Vladimír. The Effect of Transient Operations on the Levels and Congener Profiles of PCBz, PCPh and PCDD/F in Raw Flue Gases of MSWI Plant. Chemosphere. 2015, 118(JAN 2015), 261-267. ISSN 0045-6535
doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.09.036
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