Completed project

TEACHENER - Integrating Social Sciences and Humanities into Teaching about Energy

Project duration: 
2016 - 2019

Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences is one of the seven partners in TEACHENER, a project co-financed by the Erasmus+ strategic partnerships programme of the European Commission, which aims to integrate social sciences and humanities into teaching about energy. TEACHENER is a 3-year project which started on 1st September 2016. It is coordinated by Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland) and will be implemented by seven partners in four EU countries: Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and Spain. TEACHENER aims to fill the gap between social sciences and humanities and energy teaching at universities in Europe, by transposing social sciences and humanities knowledge to the domain of higher technical education. The partners will design an “Edu-Kit”, a flexible set of teaching modules covering various topics associated with social aspects of energy, and will test these teaching modules at technical higher education institutions and during two Student Winter Schools. Through TEACHENER, graduates of technical energy studies will gain interdisciplinary skills, knowledge and competencies in social sciences and humanities, enabling them to better respond to the needs of the labour market related to the shift to knowledge society and a fair energy transition with new or adapted job profiles.

Invitation to the TEACHENER Project Conference: Gdańsk, 27-28 June 2019.




Principal investigator: 
sociology of science
Grant agency: 
International project

Project publications (total 2, displaying 1 - 2)

Ďurďovič, Martin, Mlynář, Jan

Energy production and energy facilities and projects are based on scientific knowledge and they require employment of various kinds of technologies. This links energy development with a more general view of natural sciences and technologies and their function in contemporary advanced societies. The impact of technologies on everyday lives of individuals, groups and communities has been growing unprecedentedly in recent decades.

civil society, sociologická teorie, technology/technique
Public Opinion Research Centre
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Ďurďovič, Martin, Mlynář, Jan

As people living in the EU states we take it for granted that a source of electricity will be there whenever we need it. It is a considerably less self-evident matter, how the electricity we rely on is supposed to be produced and distributed. The energy sector stands at a crossroads today and newly emerging options of energy strategies challenge the old ways of doing the business.

civil society, technology/technique, public opinion
Public Opinion Research Centre
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph