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Utilising a comparative/doing gender approach and thematic narrative methodology, we examine how copreneurs – romantic business partners – construct business and caring responsibilities. We interviewed male-female partners separately from 12 couples in the Czech Republic (CR) and 13 in the United States (US), countries with diverse entrepreneurial histories, norms and family policies. We ask: (1) How do copreneurs construct/‘do’ business and family?
Rozdíl v průměrných mzdách žen a mužů v České republice je jedním z nejvyšších v Evropské unii a dlouhodobě se pohybuje kolem 22 %. Tato publikace ukazuje, jak je problém nerovností v odměňování žen a mužů vnímán českou veřejností, stejně jako jednotlivými expertními skupinami, které se tomuto problému věnují a mají jeho řešení ve své gesci. Neopomíjí ani rovinu osobních zkušeností lidí v konkrétních prostředích pracovního trhu.
Attitudes towards women in politics and gender culture in general have implications for the status of women in politics and their descriptive representation. In the paper we ask what attitudes people have in the Czech Republic towards women in politics and their descriptive representation, how these attitudes have changed across time, and what factors are associated with these changes. We draw mainly on a survey carried out in 2014, and we compare its data with survey data collected in 2006.
Abstract: Attitudes towards women in politics and gender culture in general have implications
for the status of women in politics and their descriptive representation. In the paper we
ask what attitudes people have in the Czech Republic towards women in politics and their
descriptive representation, how these attitudes have changed across time, and what factors
are associated with these changes. We draw mainly on a survey carried out in 2014, and we
The article is based on the contemporary trend in entrepreneurship research, which stresses context. We deal primarily with the family embeddedness of entrepreneurship, which is easily studied in the case of copreneurial couples, where the link is the tightest. In our article we use the term copreneurs as “romantic” partners involved in the same business. The degree of involvement in the same business is self-defined.
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