Urgency of solution of some problems

The most urgent problem is supposed to be corruption closely followed by health care and economic criminality. Common criminality, unemployment, social security and functioning of economy are other areas which are considered by majority of public to be very urgent to deal with.


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Public opinion on some legislative changes

In January survey the interviewers of the Centre for Public Opinion Research questioned respondents about their attitude to some concrete legislative changes that were introduced from 1 January 2007. At least eight out of ten people agree with pension increase (91 %), special care benefit (90 %), right to expel the attacker from home (89 %), children benefit increase (86 %), parental benefit (86 %), TV commercial time cut (86 %), new social benefit – „immediate help“ (80 %), birth grant increase (80 %), minimum wages increase (84 %).

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Security Risks for the Czech Republic in the Public Opinion View

Two thirds of Czech citizens feel safe in the Czech Republic and more than three quarters feel safe at the place they live. 55 % of people are satisfied with Police care of Public order and citizens' safety at place they live, on contrary 39 % are dissatisfied with it. Police activity in the whole Czech Republic was positively evaluated by 40 % of Czech citizens and 54 % expressed their dissatisfaction...

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Confidence in selected institutions in the Czech Republic and other countries of Visegrad Group

As a part of December public opinion survey made by CVVM there was a question investigating confidence in selected public institutions. Media (radio 70 %, TV 64 %, press 57 % - number of answers definitely trust and rather trust) and Army (63 %) enjoy the highest level of trust expressed by Czechs. More than a half of respondents trust to Justice (51 % of trustees). The number of those who trust in other institutions is lower than number of those who express their distrust into these institutions.

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Relationship with Slovakia

As a part of November survey there were also some questions focused on respondents´ attitude to the division of Czechoslovakia and following establishment of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic on 1. January 1993 and to relationships between citizens from those republics. Only a quarter of respondents (25 %) agreed with division of Czechoslovakia 13 years ago on contrary more than a half of respondents (56 %) did not agreed with it.

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Confidence in the Social Institutions

In September survey made by CVVM SOÚ AV ČR was put, among others, the question on the confidence in the social institutions. The social institutions are in this case represented by the court of law, police, army, press, TV, radio, labour union and Church. From the responses, it is possible to see the positive evaluation of media that prevails over the negative evaluation. The trust in the army was expressed by more than 60% of respondents, whereas the trust in the police was formulated by less than 50% respondents.

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Left-right political orientation and ideas about the most acceptable political platform and opinions on the role of the state

As a part of November survey there was a question about position of czech public in the left-right political spectrum.

One can see that in the left-right political spectrum, the czech population is divided in a way that corresponds with most patterns in the population. The most of people represents average figures (20 %) and their number is slowly decreasing towards the edges. Only 3 % of respondents place themselves to both extreme categories.

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Confidence in social institutions in our country and in people around us.

Trust in various social institutions is monitored by CVVM in the long

run. Last survey has been made in October 2005.

People place the greatest trust in persons they know and in the president.

The political Parties are found the least trustworthy.


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Public opinions and possible changes of current political system

According to January survey more than 80 % of citizens would gladly accept a chance to decide important problems in referendum. 8 out of 10 citizens criticise high expenses of pre-election campaign, 80% of respondents suggested limiting of these expenses. Almost three quarters of respondents wish, the President of the Czech Republic was elected by all voters.

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Urgency of some problems out of citizen point of view

The most urgent problem is supposed to be unemployment and 70% of respondents supposed the sollution of unemployment to be very urgent, 26% rather urgent. Corruption(67% of respondents find it very urgent, 26 % rather urgent) is regarded as almost same urgent problem as unemployment together with organized crime (66% very urgent, 27 rather urgent) and health care (63% very urgent, 30 rather urgent) and criminality ( 57% very urgent, 37% rather urgent).

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