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«2019 2020 2021 »
157 captures
20 Apr 13 - 5 Nov 21
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Ta Věra vůbec nemluví MIROSLAV KOTÁSEK Veronika Košnarová otevírá svou knihu o tvorbě Věry Linhartové poukazem na rozporné přijímání jejích...
Život je krátký, i když někdy trvá dlouho. Rozhovor s literárním kritikem a historikem prof. Milanem Suchomelem Právě dnes, 13. července 2020, slaví literární historik a kritik Milan Suchomel své 92. narozeniny. Při této přiležitosti...
Pes, který vstal z mrtvých ŠTEFAN ŠVEC Nebývá v tomto časopisu častým zvykem recenzovat krabici. Těžko však výstižněji pojmenovat výsledek práce...

Česká literatura is a peer-reviewed journal published six times a year by the ASCR Institute for Czech Literature. It focuses on research into history and poetics, the contexts and functions of Czech literature and the issues surrounding Czech and world literary studies theory. The aim of the journal is to present methodically based papers that make a contribution to knowledge of, and stimulate research into,  Czech literary studies both at home and abroad, as well as other associated humanities disciplines. The journal publishes original and translated texts in Czech.

Česká literatura is quoted in ISI Web of Knowledge electronic databases. The older journal volumes (1953–1986) are freely available on the Institute website (archiv.ucl.cas.cz). Starting 2005, fee-based full-text versions of all the texts printed in the journal are available through the Central and Eastern European Online Library (www.ceeol.com) databases. A comprehensive bibliography of contributions published in Česká literatura together with information on current issues is published at www.ucl.cas.cz/ceslit/.

Studies submitted to the editorial board undergo an anonymous review procedure with two reviewers, in which emphasis is placed on the comprehensive reviewer's evaluation report, supported by standardized reviewer's report categories (download form here), reflecting inter alia the content's contribution to knowledge, the argumentational, methodological and formal standards and the thematic and genre appropriacy of the manuscript from the standpoint of the journal's specialist orientation. The outcome of the review procedure and the editorial board's decision are conveyed to authors within ten weeks of the date on which the manuscript was delivered to the editors.