
development project aims and targets

Thanks to project Development of environment conducive to professional development of staff of the IP CAS, it will be possible to create, implement, and support in terms of personnel time a variety of partial strategies which should subsequently help improve the working environment at the IP CAS and its necessary infrastructure facilities in areas which are currently covered insufficiently or not at all. These are:

Definition of strategic management of a research organisation so as to correspond to conditions for achieving the ‘HR Excellence in Research Award’. Further information available here.


  • Winning the prestigious HR Award and better visibility of the institute on both national and international level;
  • Improved quality of working environment and care for employees corresponding to standards of the European Research Space;
  • Improved conditions for professional development and strategic support to career progress of institute employees;
  • Internationalisation, openness, transparency, and higher activity of the institute in addressing international researchers;
  • Professionalisation and modernisation of the HR department;
  • Improvement in the quality of organisation culture and expansion of English as a second language of institute administration in order to support the development of international contacts.

Strategic planning and development of human resources, gender equality, and management of a research organisation.


  • Creation and implementation of an ethics code of the IP CAS;
  • Optimisation and transparent settings of the process of hiring new employees;
  • Development of new skills and knowledge in both researchers and support staff of the institute by offering a wide range of opportunities for education and learning;
  • Professionalisation and capacity optimisation of the still understaffed area of grants and project agenda at the IP CAS;
  • Improvement of internal communication.

Strategic planning and development of international collaboration in research and development and internationalisation of research organisation.


  • Creation of a strategy of international collaboration and internationalisation that would define involvement of the IP CAS in not only the European research space;
  • Acquisition of experience from international partners via stays of Philosophy Institute workers abroad and visits of international experts at the IP CAS;
  • Support of publication activities in foreign languages, among other things by financial support of proofreading of academic texts written in English and financial support of fees for publishing in foreign language journals;
  • Introduction of English as a second language at the IP CAS by provision of language courses to relevant employees and translation of key internal documents of the institute.

Strategic planning and development of open access to scientific information.


  • Adoption of a comprehensive strategy on the issue of open science at the IP CAS;
  • Preparation of an action plan for systematic implementation of principles of open access to outputs and data;
  • Targeted support of publication of top results on international platforms in open access regime.

Strategic planning and development of popularisation of research and development.


  • Clear articulation of the importance and contribution of the IP CAS in identification and solution of current social problems and cultivation of general cultural environment;
  • Medialisation of outputs that have an impact on society as a whole and consolidation of the way in which the IP CAS and philosophy as such is perceived by Czech society;
  • Realisation of both tested and new activities for general public, with focus on secondary school and university students as potential candidates for the study of philosophy and employment at the IP CAS;
  • Professionalisation of presentation skills of research workers at the IP CAS.

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