Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2020, 56(2): 131-164 | DOI: 10.13060/csr.2020.005
Who Wants to Have Just One child and Who Wants to Remain Childless? The Factors behind Men’s and Women’s low-fertility Intentions
- Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha
Remaining childless or having just one child are two different experiences and each is attached to a different social status. However, they can also be viewed through a unifying lens as phenomena that contribute to low fertility. Theories that seek to explain low fertility often attribute both phenomena to the same causes. This article examines what factors are connected to a person’s intention to remain childless or to have just one child and whether it is possible to consider intentions to remain childless or have just one child as low-fertility plans caused by the same factors. Drawing on data from the Life Course 2010 survey and theories that seek to explain low fertility, logistic regressions are used to test what factors are connected to intentions to remain childless and what factors relate to intentions to have just one child. Some factors were founded to be linked to both intentions to remain childless and intentions to have just one child: an older age, a lower level of education, changing reproductive intentions, not having a partner, and less emphasis on the need to be parent to be fulfilled in life. Other factors were found to relate only to intentions to remain childless. Intentions to remain childless and intentions to have one child can thus be regarded as reproductive intentions that are underpinned by similar but not identical factors.
Keywords: reproductive intentions, childlessness, one-child families
Published: May 19, 2020Show citation
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