Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2013, 49(5): 729-750 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2013.49.5.9

Collective Memory, Space and Meanings: Liberty Square in Budapest

Gábor Oláh
Fakulta Sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity

When refl ecting on the relationship between urban space and collective memory, sociological discourses are challenged by cultural material objects like statues and memorials that, instead of consensus and unity, create conflict and a plurality of arguments. In this article the author examines the process of the formation of hidden cultural meanings and their influence on the action of carrier groups and the practices of remembering. He interprets the relationship between collective memory and urban space not as a constant one but as a dynamic process. A space is defined by the carrier group that uses it and the group is formed by a collective memory that is influenced by strong meanings. The case of the attack on Liberty Square and on the Memorial of Soviet heroes in Budapest is analysed by defining hidden meanings narrated by different carrier groups. The square is a space filled with strong and iconic meanings that are hidden beneath different layers of the past. The power of extraordinary events brings these meanings to the surface and creates conflict between different carrier groups.

Keywords: collective memory, urban space, cultural sociology, meanings, iconicity

Published: October 1, 2013Show citation

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Oláh, G. (2013). Collective Memory, Space and Meanings: Liberty Square in Budapest. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review49(5), 729-750. doi: 10.13060/00380288.2013.49.5.9.
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