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Students from Other Universities

We offer master’s students from other universities a chance to visit CERGE-EI. You can either aim for conducting the whole first year of PhD program at CERGE-EI while still doing your masters or you can come just for one semester or an even shorter stay to take only specific classes or meet with specific people.

Eligibility Criteria

You must be admitted to a Master’s program in Economics or a closely related field at your home university; if you are unsure whether your program fits, write to us at visiting@cerge-ei.cz.

How Does It Work

Below is an outline of course and exams that most Visiting Master’s students follow, particularly those who later intend to continue with the PhD program at CERGE-EI.

1st year: Take the CERGE-EI core sequence (3 semesters from early September to mid-June).
End of 1st year: Take CERGE-EI Core General exams.
2nd year: Take the remaining home university courses necessary to earn your Master’s degree. Write your Master’s thesis, supervised at your home university, or at CERGE-EI, or jointly.
End of 2nd year: Pass State exams at your home university, defend your Master’s thesis. Transfer to the second year of the PhD program at CERGE-EI if you wish.

First Year - PhD Core Courses at CERGE-EI

The organization of the academic year at CERGE-EI and your home university may differ. CERGE-EI PhD in Economics Program runs in a three-semester system: Fall, Spring, and Summer. In the 1st year, students follow a common curriculum designed to provide a strong foundation in the following areas:

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Statistics & Econometrics
  • Writing for Economics

CERGE-EI PhD General Examinations

Visiting Master’s students are required to take final exams at the end of each semester as well as General exams at the end of the academic year. Although passing the General exams may not be required to obtain a Master's degree from your home university (it is not required to obtain a Master's degree from Charles University), it is required for continued study in the PhD program at CERGE-EI. One make-up (i.e., re-take) is allowed for each exam. See the CERGE-EI PhD program outline for more details.

Second Year - Elective Courses

Students take courses at their home university in order to fulfill the requirements of their Master’s degree.

Course Recognition for Visiting Master’s from Czech and Slovak universities

Prior to applying for the Visiting Master’s scheme, students are obliged to agree with their home university whether and how grades from courses at CERGE-EI will be recognized. CERGE-EI cannot ensure recognition of grades and cannot help students with subsequent recognition.

Transferring to the CERGE-EI PhD Program

Students who wish to continue in the CERGE-EI PhD program are required to go through the regular CERGE-EI application procedure, typically during the second year of their Master’s studies.

The application deadline for the CERGE-EI PhD program is 30 April.

Visiting Master’s students who complete all three core sequences (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Statistics & Econometrics) and pass all three Core General exams are admitted directly to the 2nd year of the CERGE-EI PhD program. Those Visiting Master’s students who complete one or two sequences (for example, only Microeconomics) may be admitted to the PhD program on an individual study plan.

Admission to the PhD Program at CERGE-EI is conditional on having a Master's degree or its equivalent that can be recognized in the Czech Republic.

Short Term Visits

If you would like to visit us for a shorter period (or talk to a particular faculty member) please contact us at visiting@cerge-ei.cz.

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