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Project: Modeling and analysis of thermal plasma parameters using measurements of the Earth
The aim of the project is to contribute to the improvement of our knowledge on the distribution, morphology, and processes in the cold plasma in the Earth’s environment in the total extend of the inner magnetosphere. New data resulting from the planned joint Czech-Russian instrument REPIN in the frame of the project RESONANCE together with data from the existing databases will be used. The motivation is to study different structures in the plasmasphere, to determine the velocity of movement of the outer plasmasphere and to study the processes of empting and refilling of the plasmasphere. The influence of the cosmic weather on the cold plasma of the inner magnetosphere will be studied as well. Extension of the existing data base of cold plasma parameters will contribute to the construction of an empirical model. Development and construction of the new instrument REPIN and its function in the orbit of the RESONANCE satellites are directly connected with the objective of this project.
Funded by: MŠMT. LH11123
Duration: 2011-2014
Investigator: Truhlík, V.
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