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These 22 projects were selected from a total of 74 which were submitted with budgets totaling nearly $900,000. Note that in cases where the award was made to a group of researchers, only the principal researcher(s) is/are named. Each project also includes a note on the sponsoring institution and the project title. The projects were selected in December 2008 and work began in early 2009. The final deadline for project completion was June 2010, as most research teams find it advantageous to take the one-time, six-month no-cost extension which is offered. The resulting papers from these projects and non-technical summaries are available below. 

Principal Investigator(s)
Sponsoring Institution
Project Title

Zoltan Bakucs
Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The effect of EU accession upon Hungarian farm efficiency
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Peter Katuščák & Naomi E. Feldman
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Effects of predictable tax liability variation on household labor income
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Levent Çelik & Esen Onur
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Determination of odds in prediction markets: Coexistence of posted-offer and double-auction designs
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Anna Lovász & Mariann Rigo
Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Who earns their keep? An estimation of the productivity-wage gap in Hungary 1986-2005
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Gurgen Aslanyan
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Immigration and social security reform
Completed Paper

Mirjam Moravcová, Dana Bittnerová, Daniela Penicková
Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Family and group strategies in the education of children in the Czech Republic
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Arsena Gjipali, Ardiana Gashi & Nick Adnett
Center for Sustainable Agriculture Studies, Albania
Schooling and labor market outcomes - an empirical assessment of returns to education in Albania
Completed Paper 01 || 02

Konstantin Pashev
Governance Monitoring Association, Bulgaria
Corruption risks and drivers in the tax administration
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Petre Caraiani
Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy
The impact of fiscal policy shocks on Romanian economy and CEE countries
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Daniela-Luminita Constantin, Constanta-Nicoleta Bodea & Carmen Beatrice Pauna
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
Can cluster policies and foreign direct investment offer viable solutions to underdeveloped regions?
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Filip Pertold
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Youth Smoking in Transition
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Natalia Shestakova
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Do firms have incentives to help consumers in making choices? The case of the Czech mobile [phone] market
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Andreea Maria Stoian & Emilia Mioara Campeanu
Bucharest University of Economics
Fiscal sustainability within EU area. Empirical evidence for old members and newcomers
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Barbara Gebicka
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Skill-upgrading of occupations and the college degree supply in Central European Countries
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Katarzyna Growiec & Jakub Growiec
Institute for Structural Research, Poland
The impact of social capital on Central and Eastern European countries' economic performance: similarities and differences
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Judit Kalman
Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, Hungary
Derangement or development? Political economy of EU structural funds allocation: insights from the Hungarian case
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

László Paizs
Institute of Economics, Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Competition in excise taxes among EU countries and its policy implications- an empirical investigation
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Maruška Vizek
Institute of Economics, Zagreb
Determinants of house prices in transition countries
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper 01 || 02

Magdalena Rokicka & Anna Ruzik
Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), Warsaw, Poland
Gender pay gap in unregistered employment in Poland
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Asel Isakova
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Financial sector development and dollarization in the economies of Central Asia
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Robert Kelm & Michal Majsterek
University of Łódź, Poland
Inflationary consequences of globalization in Poland in pre-ERM2 period
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

Evangelia Vourvachaki
CERGE-EI Prague, Czech Republic
Patterns in Intermediates Use: A Comparative Study Between Europe and the United States
Summary of Findings || Completed Paper

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